Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 2-1

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Greetings Losers:D :D I hope that everyone is well:) ... Who would have thought that we would still be walking the happy road to our personal weight goals after FIVE months.......not me:eek: ... This thread and all of you have made it possible for me to continue my quest!! Thanks for your support, the laughs and the friendship:)

Ok enough of this mushy stuff!!! ... Get of your butts and on the scales!!! ... The first February weigh in is tomorrow and I expect to see changes ... I was going to say results but.......:p ... I have not been on the scales in several days. My pants are getting loose so I hope to be able to post a loss ... If you have been slack this is a great time to restart your efforts!!! ... All are welcome to join us!!! LOSERS UNITE:D :D
Well I've been at it since last April and I'm on my third set of pants. Now even those are beginning to get loose. I can go down another 5 lbs in these but then it means a 4th set. This gets expensive after a while.

I dropped all the XXL shirts and went to XL some months ago, now even my shoes are too loose. I've been wearing EE width now I have to go down to single E, maybe even D. Luckily however, my head remains as big as ever.
SumoRunner said:
Well I've been at it since last April and I'm on my third set of pants. Now even those are beginning to get loose. I can go down another 5 lbs in these but then it means a 4th set. This gets expensive after a while.

I dropped all the XXL shirts and went to XL some months ago, now even my shoes are too loose. I've been wearing EE width now I have to go down to single E, maybe even D. Luckily however, my head remains as big as ever.
Jack?..what a great problem to have!!! Congratulations!!!! I have just bought five pair of slacks and have four pair of the next size down stored away in a drawer. It does get costly but I am glad to pay it!!! Great job!!!!
A peek on Tuesday makes me think I'll be claiming a pound loss tomorrow but I won't jump the gun.

Sumo, changing pant sizes is certainly expensive, but how encouraging for you! Even your shoe size has changed!?!? Remarkable. You go, guy!
mmm, i feel better, my work pants seem looser, i'm a notch less on the belt, my wife comments that its easier to get her arms around me but the scales say no....0 loss, still 120kilos.

I've done minimal exercise but have eaten brilliantly, shreaded wheat for breakfast, wholemeal bun with ham, yougourt, carrot/celery sticks, apple and orange then a normal healthy meal. Compared to my old diet where i'd have had chips, chocolate, pop etc in quite large quantities i've almost gone into starvation :D

I'd know exercise is the key but just food alone i'd have expected to drop a couple of pounds a week being the large size i am.

So the other half has folded and we are going to get some new scales, even if they report that i'm actually heavier but dropping slowly i'll be happer than this.

I'm still happy, its a lifestyle change and were i not doing this i think id be still slowly creeping upwards like i have been doing for the last year....

Good luck to everyone else.


Can I join for a week and pay my dues within a week or 10 days?

I need to lose about 9lbs by next Tuesday! :eek: Yes next Tuesday!

I know crash diets aren't healthy, but any suggestions to help me out would be GREAT.
Freddie said:
Can I join for a week and pay my dues within a week or 10 days?

I need to lose about 9lbs by next Tuesday! :eek: Yes next Tuesday!

I know crash diets aren't healthy, but any suggestions to help me out would be GREAT.

I guess Cooker is the final authority, but just wanted to say there are no dues with the Throw Down. But maybe you didn't mean that literally? Some are voluntarily contributing $1 per pound lost to (as of the end of Feb.) but that is purely voluntarily.

Now, the only people I know of who shed that much weight in that short a period of time are (occasionally) college and high school wrestlers (in order to make a weight classification). They do all sorts of bizarre (in my opinion) things to sweat off the weight --- you are right -- it is NOT healthy to lose 9 pounds in just a few days, so why on Earth are you going to try to do it?
Freddie said:
I need to lose about 9lbs by next Tuesday! :eek: Yes next Tuesday!


Step outside wifout a coat fo' about 2 hours. Th' shivahin' will shake at least 12 poun's off ya, eff'n yo' survive. :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :p Yo'll probably hafta run helter-skelter in place ennyway t'keep warm----t'other 2 poun's!!

Yo' crazy gal! :p :p :rolleyes:

Bubba :)
gadgetman said:

Step outside wifout a coat fo' about 2 hours. Th' shivahin' will shake at least 12 poun's off ya, eff'n yo' survive. :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :p Yo'll probably hafta run helter-skelter in place ennyway t'keep warm----t'other 2 poun's!!

Yo' crazy gal! :p :p :rolleyes:

Bubba :)

I HAVE to fit into a pair of jeans - NEW JOB - work Jeans
RobHol said:
I guess Cooker is the final authority, but just wanted to say there are no dues with the Throw Down. But maybe you didn't mean that literally? Some are voluntarily contributing $1 per pound lost to (as of the end of Feb.) but that is purely voluntarily.

Now, the only people I know of who shed that much weight in that short a period of time are (occasionally) college and high school wrestlers (in order to make a weight classification). They do all sorts of bizarre (in my opinion) things to sweat off the weight --- you are right -- it is NOT healthy to lose 9 pounds in just a few days, so why on Earth are you going to try to do it?

You know you are welcome......But I am with SB......nine pounds is a lot to lose in 10 days....don't want you to do anything unhealthy......Why don't you buy larger jeans:eek: :eek: .....go ahead and slap me:D ....we can discuss payment later;) :rolleyes: ....but really, don't do anything crazy to fit into a pair of jeans......ain't worht it:)
You've inspired me! I'm tired of not dropping any weight, and my pants are starting to get snug again. I'm off to exercise!
We've had a pretty good little snowstorm here, but I'm headed to the fitness center in hopes of being down more than a pound tomorrow.;)
I think I should get an award for effort!:p :p :p

Freddie, I don't think 9 pounds in 10 days is feasible. :eek: Wish it were!:p
I did it! I got off my lazy bum and did some exercise. It was a bit unconventional, as it's way too cold to want to go outside to walk, but at least I was moving!

I did 10 minutes of pilates and 30 minutes of grooving/walking/jogging/dog-chasing/whatever to some music. :D I hope to do more of the same (or something anyway) tomorrow!
I've just proven something to myself... Not sure which one I proved, but it was something. ;)

Either a) I REALLY need to be avoiding sodium. or b) I REALLY need to be exercising. Okay, maybe it's both.

Here are my results:

Starting weight: 142
Last week: 134
This week: 132
Week's change: -2
Total change: -10

Yesterday when I weight I was still 134, so I'm guessing that eating my sodium restricted dinner last night (which I prepared myself) is what did the trick. We've eaten out way too much this week, which is probably why I couldn't get the 4 pounds I'd gained at my mom's off. I also exercised for the first time in several weeks yesterday. I realize the chances of it working THAT fast are slim to none, but it feels good to see some results after doing so. I will be doing more of the same today after work.

We're going to a friend's game night tonight, but it's after dinner, so I'm going to eat well and hope I can avoid any snacks he may be serving. And I'll be drinking water, no alcohol! That's a sure way to get my feet to swell. :eek: The trickier part of the weekend will be when Nathan's mom takes us out... Perhaps I can convince her to come here and let us cook. I really hate going to restaurants these days. There are really no good choices.
I am pleased with this weeks report:) .... I did have a one day major sugar binge and have not exercised so I can only imagine this weeks loss as a gift:eek: ... I just can't seem to get my butt back in gear with my walking:mad: ... I can only chalk it up to sloth, how embarrassing:eek: ... Would somebody please KICK MY BUTT:D

We are starting a new week today:) ... Good luck and good losing:D

Starting weight........233
Last Week...................208
This week....................206
Weekly Change............-2 :)
Total Loss......................27
Well,I got the 2 pounds off I gained last week. Maybe I am headed in the right direction. If I can just have a loss next week. I brought a Lean Cuisine for my Friday lunch because we are going out to eat tonight and I am having a South Beach bar for breakfast.

Starting Weight-129
Last Week-129
This Week-127
This Weeks Loss-2
Total Loss-2
terryj said:
Well,I got the 2 pounds off I gained last week. Maybe I am headed in the right direction. If I can just have a loss next week. I brought a Lean Cuisine for my Friday lunch because we are going out to eat tonight and I am having a South Beach bar for breakfast.

Starting Weight-129
Last Week-129
This Week-127
This Weeks Loss-2
Total Loss-2

Good job!!! Gains are not uncommon or the end of the world ... as you see they come right back off... I have had to report gains more that once ... keeping honest keeps me motivated ... Again, 2 pound loss YAHOOOOO!!!!!!:D
Well, slow but sure will be my new motto. I am down 1 lb, which brings my total loss to 3 lbs. This is disappointing because I felt I really controlled my eating for the last several weeks. I have even been eating the Progesso Zero Point soup for several meals. The last couple of days I did break out one of my Weight Watcher tracking forms so maybe it will keep a tighter rein on me. I would give up (I'm whining but this has never been option for me!! :( ) but I have several meetings coming up where I will be meeting some of my virtual co-workers face-to-face for the first time. 132 lbs is my magic number for being free again at Weight Watchers.....that's 11 lbs away.........

Has anyone tried the Kettlebell weights? My nephew showed us these unusual weights and said he is having great results. We bought one this week but haven't tried it yet. We were all excited but when we got home the DVD showing you the exercise program was not in the package so we will need to take it back this weekend.

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