Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 1-4

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
I am excited about the weight loss and improved health we can look forward to in 2008!!! Wishing everyone great success!!!!!

This is a great time to join the "Losers Club"!!! Come join us!! All Are welcome!!!!
How about re-losers? The last couple weeks I did everything wrong and gained back several lbs, so now I have to go back over territory I covered a couple months ago. I'll report the amount of damages tomorrow morning.
SumoRunner said:
How about re-losers? The last couple weeks I did everything wrong and gained back several lbs, so now I have to go back over territory I covered a couple months ago. I'll report the amount of damages tomorrow morning. ain't alone there brother:eek: I have a few added lbs that need to be shed to get me back where I was.
cooker said:
I am excited about the weight loss and improved health we can look forward to in 2008!!! Wishing everyone great success!!!!!

This is a great time to join the "Losers Club"!!! Come join us!! All Are welcome!!!!

Urgh! The irrepressible, inescapable chimp! :eek: Oh well, lifting a tall glass of prune juice to toast the New Year a la the simian lardmaster.:D
RobHol said:
Urgh! The irrepressible, inescapable chimp! :eek: Oh well, lifting a tall glass of prune juice to toast the New Year a la the simian lardmaster.:D
SuperBob??.thanks for the toast (don?t let the Ref see that):cool: We will all be counting on the leadership and superpowers of the caped one. I will post tomorrow with the expectation of a slight loss since 12-31-07. I gained 11 pounds from the Tuesday before Thanksgiving through the 31st , 1 lb over my acceptable, allowable holiday gain??but what do expect from a Chimp with unlimited access to banana pudding:p
I am actually looking forward to weighing in the morning. I may not have lost much but I have been doing really good getting back on track. I have not had a piece of chocolate since Tuesday and considering I have had a jar of dove chocolate on my desk for my co-workers thats pretty good will power. I will post my weight in the morning. Good luck to everyone on a good weight loss week.

Well its friday morning in Perth WA.....

Starting Weight 123kg or 271.2lbs
Current Weight 121kg or 266.8lbs
Weight Loss 2kg or 4.4lbs

Not bad since that included new years eve etc.

I was generally more active than normal and just cut out some of the crap i was eating such as chocolate & crisps etc.

Going on holiday for a week now so hopefully the additional activity will compensate for whatever over eating occurs.

Good luck to everyone else.
I weigh this morning..I am 4 oz. away from gaining that 1 lb. last week..:D I met the Grands at McDonalds today for lunch..Had the chicken wrap and water..(snuck a few fries from Granddaughter.:p )....I think I did well..considering the bad weather here at home past 4 days..Rain..COLD and windy..No walking...Why I drove down to be with Grands a few hours today..Did the mall thing......Suppose to warm up by weekend..and I plan to do some major walking...:D Cabin Fever stinks..:p We even had snow Tuesday night..Enough to cover the ground..and high winds yesterday....No way to go outside..Rather be fat than sick..:eek: .......Good luck with everyone losing what they gained over the Holidays..I am still happy with my small loss of 9 lbs.....just hope I can lose 9 more by bathing suit weather...If I loss 9 lbs in 4 months..I can do 9 more..sticking with this diet thread..thanks again..Cooker. for starting it..Bonnie
Magic8Ball, that's awesome! You keep that up and you'll be down to your goal weight in no time! :) Try to watch it over vacation!:)

SuperBob, put that prune juice DOWN!
Magic -- great progress, way to go!

Bon -- Sounds like you're hanging in there. Bet you will lose the next 9 on your goal. It HAS been too cold and windy to walk outdoors the past few days. Today Sadie and I got in a short walk just to break in the New Year.

Ref -- Prune juice may be the only thing that can help me after my holiday spree. :rolleyes: :p
They say confessions is good for the soul; it's cleansing time:eek: I went from 205 lbs on November 20th to 216 lbs on January 1st. I started Weight Watchers (points system) on the 1st and have dropped 3 lbs. I am only reporting a 1 lb loss from last week since that is my weekly net loss. I am encouraged that the holidays are behind me and that maybe now I can get off of this roller coaster that I've been on for over a month. My past dieting was a bit radical and not that healthy. I am looking forward to settling in with Weight Watchers and a healthier way of eating. I know the weight loss will be slower but it should be more consistent and the eating style should be one I can convert into a healthy lifestyle change.

Someone had mentioned keeping track of our weekly exercise so I have posted my weekly activity. Uh, just another point of accountability:rolleyes:

Starting weight........233
Last Week...................214
This week....................213
Weekly Change............-1
Total Loss......................20
Weekly walking............60 min.
I guess the sky isn't falling after all. I was only up 3 lbs this morning, to 207.2 after two weeks of Herculean binges. So that shouldn't take more than 2-3 weeks to re-lose. Most importantly I got all the beer and chips and cookies and candy out of the house. You can't gorge on it if it ain't there.
Okay I am on the right track. Down instead of up on the scales.

Starting Weight-129
Todays Weight-128
Weekly Loss-1 lb.
Total Loss-1 lb.

I refuse to post any weight this morning until my diuretic has kicked in. I feel like a big swollen balloon! :eek: And the scales agree. So in an hour or so, when I've peed some of the weight off, I'll report back in. I don't think I've had a jump in water weight this big in a long time. Must have been that turkey burger and fries I had last night. Stupid me thinking a TURKEY burger might at least be healthier for me. :rolleyes:
Cooker and Terry, who hoo!
Sumo, congratulations on getting rid of the cookies, candy, and beer! You're now set to go!
Even with five days on the treadmill, I didn't lose any; just stayed the same.
OMG, I need a whoopin'!! I'm up 4 pounds!!

But at least all my celebrating for the next 12 months is now over. Had Christmas. Had birthday. Had New Year's. Had wedding anniversary. Sounds like a pound per event!!

Also, trash day.....when you throw out all the leftover temptations that are lying around the house that no one gobbled up. That seemed to be my undoing. Gone, gone, gone.

Started exercising again (actually on the dance floor on New Year's....couldn't believe how un-winded I got!! I just danced and danced! Hadn't been able to do that for years! woohoo!!)

Good work all you other losers!!! Keep moving!!


Sconed? Possibly. Was just looking at my pocket Calorie and Carb guide and found that a Starbucks blueberry scone has 455 calories and 67 carbs! :eek: Life is unfair! :mad:

Actually haven't done too much Sconing, but many of the holiday goodies given as gifts by nice church folks still are around in tins. My wife never throws anything away. It is time for me to sneak around and throw some of that stuff away (while giving thanks for the goodwill of the donors).

Oh, exercise: I had one walk of 45 mins, one of 30 mins, and three days of exercise biking of 20-30 mins at a time. So it's something but no doubt I need to step it up.

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