Cooker's Throwdown Friday 8-14-08

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Good job, Dina!

As for me, I'm up 2.1 lbs. :( I need my nephew back! He kept me moving every day. I guess the whole "exercise the day before weigh in" trick just doesn't work if you haven't done any exercise the rest of the week. ;) I'm hoping to be better this week, though. Now that school's starting back up I'll set myself a routine of when to exercise and I'll do my best to stick with it. Yesterday I went to the local farmer's market and got a lot of fresh fruits and veggies to eat the next few days. I'm munching on an apple for breakfast as I type. And last night I made a pasta salad. Nathan likes his with bacon and deli turkey, but I made mine vegetarian to cut down on the sodium. Tonight I'll be doing stir fry with the Mrs. Dash Teriyaki sauce. :D I'm hoping, hoping, hoping I can stick to eating healthy and exercising at least every other day (preferably every day, of course).

Today is my annual cardiologist visit. I'm looking forward to seeing her (have I mentioned how much I love my card? ;) ). I'm also looking forward to hearing the results of my MUGA scan. I'm almost certain my EF has improved, but I want to know the numbers! :D
I'm down 1.2 lbs this week. Still about 2 over my low point before vacation but getting back there.

Great job Jack ... you will be back there and under before you know it! ... I weighed this morning and I am 16 pounds over my lowest Throwdown weight ... dumping nicotine and vacation killed me but you give hope and are a great example!!!
Ton- I know your frustration. I had it for months. I've now moved down a few pounds from my months-long stall, and feel I may be stalled again. I think it has to do with the fact that we don't have a lot to lose - just enough to make us want/need to lose it and have a devil of a time doing so.

Dina! A POUND!!!!! That's progress - congratulations to a fellow stall-ee.

Keep up the good work everyone!
I have pulled the old crystal ball out and I see that you will lose all the weight you want to lose in the next installment of Cooker's weight smackdown!

Niki, I know watching your weight is difficult while at school, but I predict that you will have a loss this coming week:) along with Karlynn.:)

Congratulations, Jack, for your 1+ pound weight loss, and Dina for knocking one off too!

I lost a pound, and I am positive I will have a good week. I have an extra exercise routine (official chimp butt kicker--when needed :rolleyes:) and I'm on a roll with the swimming and elliptical so I expect a good weigh in next Friday.:)
I have pulled the old crystal ball out and I see that you will lose all the weight you want to lose in the next installment of Cooker's weight smackdown!

Niki, I know watching your weight is difficult while at school, but I predict that you will have a loss this coming week:) along with Karlynn.:)

Congratulations, Jack, for your 1+ pound weight loss, and Dina for knocking one off too!

I lost a pound, and I am positive I will have a good week. I have an extra exercise routine (official chimp butt kicker--when needed :rolleyes:) and I'm on a roll with the swimming and elliptical so I expect a good weigh in next Friday.:)

Chimp Gone WildView attachment 6103
Ton- I know your frustration. I had it for months. I've now moved down a few pounds from my months-long stall, and feel I may be stalled again. I think it has to do with the fact that we don't have a lot to lose - just enough to make us want/need to lose it and have a devil of a time doing so.

Dina! A POUND!!!!! That's progress - congratulations to a fellow stall-ee.

Keep up the good work everyone!

Superbob must confess that he needs to lose weight by the tons (well, okay, another 25 would be good for starters :) ) and you svelte ladies hardly need to lose at all, so a half-pound loss for one of you gals no doubt tops a freaky 4-pound week's loss for Superbob. (Besides, we're trying to spare DW the work of cooking much while she recovers, so part of Superbob's loss is the result of dealing with food so bad even he won't eat much of it. :p
I have pulled the old crystal ball out and I see that you will lose all the weight you want to lose in the next installment of Cooker's weight smackdown!

Niki, I know watching your weight is difficult while at school, but I predict that you will have a loss this coming week:) along with Karlynn.:
Listen to her everyone; because Mary really does seem to have the gift
of foresight!
Thanks for the support everyone!
Hi Everyone,

Hi Everyone,

I'm checking in from the local library. I know I haven't been around for awhile. We've been having computer "issues". I suppose I really need a new one, but hopefully my computer geek son can fashion one that works with the two we currently own.

I haven't been doing too bad on weightloss lately, but not losing by leaps and bounds either. I don't even remember what I weighed last time I posted, but so far, I am down a total of 31.2 lbs as of last Monday. I believe I have taken off another 3 or so now...but I'll have to see if I can keep it off during a weekend of camping. While I've taken off over 30 lbs since April fools day, my hubby has done me one better...he's got somewhere between 45-50 lbs off. Most of you would not recognize him if you have met him before. In fact, I don't hardly recognize him...he weighs less than he has since I met him. I'm just trying to keep up right now. I sure as heck don't want to weigh the same ...or more than him! Especially since the day we met, he outweighed me by about 100 lbs.
Anyway, just thought I'd check in. I don't know when I'll be back...if nothing else, I'll be back here at the library next week. Have a good one!
I'm checking in from the local library. I know I haven't been around for awhile. We've been having computer "issues". I suppose I really need a new one, but hopefully my computer geek son can fashion one that works with the two we currently own.

I haven't been doing too bad on weightloss lately, but not losing by leaps and bounds either. I don't even remember what I weighed last time I posted, but so far, I am down a total of 31.2 lbs as of last Monday. I believe I have taken off another 3 or so now...but I'll have to see if I can keep it off during a weekend of camping. While I've taken off over 30 lbs since April fools day, my hubby has done me one better...he's got somewhere between 45-50 lbs off. Most of you would not recognize him if you have met him before. In fact, I don't hardly recognize him...he weighs less than he has since I met him. I'm just trying to keep up right now. I sure as heck don't want to weigh the same ...or more than him! Especially since the day we met, he outweighed me by about 100 lbs.
Anyway, just thought I'd check in. I don't know when I'll be back...if nothing else, I'll be back here at the library next week. Have a good one!

YAHOO ......Way to go Jeannie!!!! I hope your system is up and running again soon.....Again GREAT JOB:D:D
I have pulled the old crystal ball out and I see that you will lose all the weight you want to lose in the next installment of Cooker's weight smackdown!

Niki, I know watching your weight is difficult while at school, but I predict that you will have a loss this coming week:) along with Karlynn.:)
I LIKE your crystal ball!!! :D :D :D Hope it's comes true!
Stress Eating

Stress Eating

We had an accident this morning. We hit a tire. That's right...tire. It was one of those humongous tires from an 18 wheeler. I passed an 18 wheeler (not related to said tire) and only to meet in my lane with THE tire, which was half in tact with the blown side in shreds. I had no choice but to run over it; didn't see it until I was in that lane and had no where else to late to stop. The end result hours later, is that we're home with a rental car, our car is at a body shop, we ate Mexican food on the way home, and are having a glass of wine to calm our nerves. We did roughly count our points, but the Mexican food was also "soothing." We don't need anymore surprises this week.
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We had an accident this morning. We hit a tire. That's right...tire. It was one of those humongous tires from an 18 wheeler. I passed an 18 wheeler (not related to said tire) and only to meet in my lane with THE tire, which was half in tact with the blown side in shreds. I had no choice but to run over it; didn't see it until I was in that lane and had no where else to late to stop. The end result hours later, is that we're home with a rental car, our car is at a body shop, we ate Mexican food on the way home, and are having a glass of wine to calm our nerves. We did roughly count our points, but the Mexican food was also "soothing." We don't need anymore surprises this week.

OMG! I'm so glad you are both alright! :eek: I'd say forget the points and sooth away!!! (((hugs)))
Yikes! Sorry about your car, but glad you and Cindy are okay. We have an Interstate that goes through this area and it's thick with trucks. I know they are essential for our economy and truckers is good folks, on the whole, but it sure can be initimidating at times.

I second Niki: I think the heck with points, you two are entitled to whatever comfort food (and wine) you want tonight!
OMG! I'm so glad you are both alright! :eek: I'd say forget the points and sooth away!!! (((hugs)))

Thanks, Nikki. It is true that the best thing is we're OK. We had a passenger, a young man and Perry the guide dog also. The car certainly is secondary, although we have an expensive repair bill (most of it should be covered by insurance thank God).

We are feeling more soothed after about half a glass of wine. :)
Yikes! Sorry about your car, but glad you and Cindy are okay. We have an Interstate that goes through this area and it's thick with trucks. I know they are essential for our economy and truckers is good folks, on the whole, but it sure can be initimidating at times.

I second Niki: I think the heck with points, you two are entitled to whatever comfort food (and wine) you want tonight!

It can be intimidating indeed. Cindy's dad was director of Kentucky's Division of Motor Carriers. She worked in that division years later after he retired. Still sometimes the truck traffic is overwhelming.
We had an accident this morning. We hit a tire. That's right...tire. It was one of those humongous tires from an 18 wheeler. I passed an 18 wheeler (not related to said tire) and only to meet in my lane with THE tire, which was half in tact with the blown side in shreds. I had no choice but to run over it; didn't see it until I was in that lane and had no where else to late to stop. The end result hours later, is that we're home with a rental car, our car is at a body shop, we ate Mexican food on the way home, and are having a glass of wine to calm our nerves. We did roughly count our points, but the Mexican food was also "soothing." We don't need anymore surprises this week.

Sherry and I are glad all is well ..... metal can always be fixed or replaced .... thankful you are all safe and sound.
My God Wise. I'm glad to hear y'all were OK. I heard about this story just this morning:

This guy was killed when two tires came off a truck and thru his windshield.

Vehicles can be repaired or replaced. To heck with the wine, go grab a couple of beers!!!! JUST DON'T DRIVE!!!!

Glad y'all are OK.

May God Bless,

Danny :)

Gulp! That's eerie to read Danny. I think I'll stay off of the Interstate tomorrow. I've already finished my wine for tonight, so the beer is out of contention (can you tell I'm watching the Olympics?)

Cooker, yes metal can be fixed. We are so glad it's not us being fixed.

Thanks for all the nice comments. I did have a few extra points of comfort tonight.
Gee whiz Wise and Cindy, so glad to hear that your okay.
Hope neither of you will feel the after effects tomorrow.
Everyone needs a little comfort (((((hugs)))))