
Valve Replacement Forums

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New Guy

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2010

That's the first advertisement I've seen at A few months ago I emailed a suggestion to the "contact us" people at on-x hoping to encourage them to put an ad on our website.

I'm sure it carried no influence as they didn't even bother to respond to me. I'm just happy to see some revenue for Hank.

Maybe Burger King would consider advertising too. With our heart histories they likely think us to be some of their best customers...
I'm glad Hank found a way to make some money but I find the ad itself to be in VERY poor taste...must say I'm not a fan.

That's the first advertisement I've seen at A few months ago I emailed a suggestion to the "contact us" people at on-x hoping to encourage them to put an ad on our website.

I'm sure it carried no influence as they didn't even bother to respond to me. I'm just happy to see some revenue for Hank.

Maybe Burger King would consider advertising too. With our heart histories they likely think us to be some of their best customers...

Hey Doug, you want to hear something funny?

At St. Luke's Hospital in Houston, they have a McDonald's, right in the hospital!

When my hubby and I were there in 2006, my husband told the surgeon, "I see you all have a McDonald's?" Now I see how you guys generate your revenue!" Everybody errupted in laughter over that!!!
I am glad Hank has found a way to bring in some revenue. He deserves to be able to make a go of it.

I have long been a proponent of On-X valves, and an opponent of their marketing practices. That hasn't changed. I find this particular ad to be misleading, fearmongering, and in incredibly poor taste. I would welcome a different ad that touts their own product, rather than misguiding forum visitors about other products in an arguably malicious way. I don't believe I will want to continue to post under this particular banner.

Best wishes,
Just as I mute the TV during commercials, I simply ignored the ad - didn't even read it. Here in NJ school districts are in such dire need of generating revenue it looks like they are going to make it legal to put advertisements on school buses. It seems that is the way of the world these days and if it is needed to keep this forum going, I don't mind.
There was a blog that discussed the current ad's content. I can't find the blog now but I was one of several who had posted on it. But I too find the wording of the current ad misleading and offensively insensitive.

But I am glad to see revenue for Hank, as others also said.
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I have the same mixed feelings others have expressed. A clever, appealing, and totally honest ad is the exception in the commercial world. I just tune them out, or in this case, eliminate them from my field of vision.
I am glad Hank has found a way to bring in some revenue. He deserves to be able to make a go of it.

I have long been a proponent of On-X valves, and an opponent of their marketing practices. That hasn't changed. I find this particular ad to be misleading, fearmongering, and in incredibly poor taste. I would welcome a different ad that touts their own product, rather than misguiding forum visitors about other products in an arguably malicious way. I don't believe I will want to continue to post under this particular banner.

Best wishes,

I have pretty much the same thoughts about ads in general and THIS ad specifically which I (and a few others) mentioned a few of my big concerns in the "partners" blog that is gone. IT really offends me and I think it doesn't make either ON-X OR VR look very good. I personally don't care how it reflects on ON-X, but am trying to decide if it is something I feel comfortable being associated with or condoning in anyway by being a part of.
+1 to Bob=Tobagotwo and the similar comments. On-x's web-site seems aggressive and competitive, but MUCH more responsible than this scurrilous ad.

In a country where it's now illegal for valve manufacturers to suggest that their customers go easy on calcium supplements, how do they get away with effectively stating that competing valves DON'T last longer than 10 years? With no footnotes, asterisks, or nothin'!! Heck, with the sleazy-innuendo wording, it isn't even clear that competing MECHANICAL valves aren't part of that short-lived group!
"He who pays the piper, picks the tune"

We tend to get used to having "Free" content on the web and are spoiled in the process. Compared to most other "Free" services like my email, news, search engine, etc this site has had no annoying web ads. The current ad bothers me too, but I'm not sure it's fair for me to criticize something that is allowing me to have free access to this site.

Perhaps I and several other "registered users" that get this content free should pony up and support the site with our money. It's neither free nor easy for someone to host a site like this that benefits so many. If we privately find out what the revenue from the ad is could we have a little fund raiser to replace that income. Maybe something like the public radio- membership drive in the US.

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I don't like the wording of the ad. I've stated my feelings to Hank. What should he do? Should he listen to those who find the wording misleading and ask On-X to remove the ad? Should he return the money the company's given to the website?

If he ends his association with On-X, will everyone then support VR with a paid membership?

I don't know the answer, but I do know the times are hard for many and that probably includes
I understand that needs some financial support and gladly pay my subscription fee to have access to this
amazing site.
However, the wording of the new On-X ad is totally offensive and seems inappropriate on this site where
most of us welcome ALL valve types equally and try to respect other member's valve choices.
Just my opinion, thanks. :)
The valve you choose whether bovine, mechanical, St. Jude, On-X, or whatever, that is a choice for you and your surgeon to make and if you are comfortable with that choice, no ad in the world can change that!! :)
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I don't get how the language is offensive in the least. "Shouldn't your heart valve last longer than 10 years". Yes it should. Mine didn't. There are others on this forum having both mechanical (pannus) and tissue (early failure) that had a second surgery with 10 years. I'm not seeing On-X is claiming thier valve is the only valve likely to last 10 years. But some don't. That's a fact.