Abnormal Echo

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Not the news I was looking for or expecting on my follow-up with cardio after echo done a week ago. The valves are working fine BUT ...cardio is concerned about ascending aorta. Root was 4.0 on post-surgical echo five years ago, but now it is dilated measuring by M-mode (whatever that is) at 4.22 cm and 4.92 cm by 2D evaluation (whatever that is)....

Sooooooo... I now have to go to hospital next week to get a chest C-Scan because of "abnormal echo -- dilated ascending aorta." This is supposed to show with more certainty what is going on.

The technician's report does state that "this was a technically difficult study with suboptimal views." (What, did I flirt too much with the blonde hottie tech? :eek: ) So maybe they didn't get good readings - maybe the more exact scan will bring better results.

However, I am not feeling very cheery right now. I asked the cardio what happens worst-case -- would they do a re-do on the aortic root repair -- and he said something to the effect that it would have to be "very bad" to do that. So I am unsure what the next course of action is if they do confirm an expanding aortic root. Just time to check out maybe. :(
Sorry to hear about the abnormal echo bob. I know it must be very disheartening to hear. I will have my first echo coming up in a couple of months and I will be anxious when that gets closer. I guess this rollercoaster ride never ends for us does it?
what kind of echo? TTE or TEE? either way, remember echos are notoriously
unreliable. although some of the techs are good, they're rubbing a magic wand
against your chest, bouncing sound waves off your innards, hoping to get it
at just the right angle, then measuring a best estimate of size off the screen.

better hold off worrying until you have the c-span done.

note i had a series of echos late last year. effective valve area was 1.7, then it
was 2.2, then it was 1.6 sq.cm. a month later when the surgeon cut my old valve
out, the actual eva was only 0.6 cm.
I agree with the others that said echos are not all that reliable. They can never seen Justin's valve conduit (pulm) that well either. Hopefully the CT scan will have a better report.
Absolutely echos are unreliable - (you shouldn't have flirted Bob- I knew the pitter patter of your heart was going to be an issue. :D) I just went through a similar experience myself and my heart cath showed a very different view/measurement than the echo. It was much better than echo led my cardio to believe.

I hope the same holds true for you. I will be wishing on it very hard!

Good luck!

Hang in there Bionic Bob! you guys have taught me one thing above all else. worrying about worst case scenario doesn't do any good. i'm sure everything will turn out fine.
You measurements have increased. I personally think that you need to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I'm not sure what the clinical criteria is for surgery either -- once it reaches a certain size you will need to get it fixed up. The same measure for me was 4.2-4.3 cm before I had my aortic valve replaced. Now it has shrunk down to 3.2cm. You do want to keep those numbers in the normal range as much as posisble. But i'm sure you know that.
So sorry you have gotten bad news after your echo. Hubby had his follow up echo Tuesday and gets the results next Tuesday. I always stress unitl we have the follow-up. I will be saying prayers for you that you just had an unreliable echo.
I had a similar situation, Bob. My echo was actually okay (3 inch dilated) but an MRI showed it to be a 5.4. So they elected to perform surgery on me to replace my ascending aorta — and it turned out it was a 6.2 a month after the MRI!

My advice would be to pursue this aggressively, because echos dont always tell the whole story. Of course, it could be overestimating the size, but in any case, get it checked out! you've gone down this road before, and it sucks, but it beats the alternative!
Certainly not something you want to hear. Let's hope that the CT shows a more favourable result. Now don't flirt with the techie this time!;)
Thinking of you,

I am truly sorry you must go through this, (it does bite the big one) but try not to loose faith! Wait for the CTscan, and go from there.

You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Bob, sorry to hear about your news... try and be strong, and keep us posted. Hopefully, you will get better news after the CT at the hospital.
Ok, jump in the phone both and slip into you SuperBob suit and kick this things ass ... Checking out? ... Are you in a motel with one of those Myrtle Beach hotties? .... Unsettling news but lets wait for the rest of the story ... I have you in my prayers ...
Thanks for all the well wishes. (Bina, you know Superbob will hold hands with you anytime. ;) Good luck on your echo.)

I know these numbers are subject to change -- the true ones could be better -- or they could be worse. It freaks me out a little that while saying he wasn't particularly concerned, the cardio put in an urgent order with the radiology dept at the hospital and they were actually calling my house before I got home. They will do the C-scan Tuesday. (But I guess this is no time to be complaining about prompt health-care service. :)

Well, the uncertainty is hell, but I know a whole lot of people on here have more urgent issues to deal with.

As for Cooker's speculation about where SB might be spending his time, who needs a motel? What's wrong with the beach? :p Damned shame we males spend most of our lives thinking an enlarged root is the height of ectasy, only to find out one might do us in. :D:eek: