4 days Post Op

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Quite the experience! Not all bad at all just quite a time of emotions. Let me first say I'm a Christian, my faith is in Jesus Christ. I'm not a bible pounder or an in you're face Christian, but I have strong beliefs. I say this because it matters. When you have faith and put it all in Gods hands, an amazing calm will come over you.
Surgery was scheduled for 1:00 last Thursday to for AVR and small aorta replacement above root. Surgeon came in and we talked again about what was going to happen. He said they are wrapping up in OR, you will b next up.
He's checking his email and kind of hanging out, returning a few phone calls in the nurses station, then gets a call and I hear him say "open back up, I'll be back in a second" he walked out and said it may be awhile.
Awhile it was, about 3 hours later I finally see people from my team. I made sure they were all ready I could tell they had a long day. Everyone assured me they were energizizer bunnies and this is what they did not unusual. I remember kissing my wife and being wheeled into OR about 4:30. Slid into table was introduced to everyone, they all rushed up to me and lights out!! All the way through complete calm. That's where the faith comes back in..
Wife said I was out about 11:30 and it was quite a shock to see me all covered up hooked up and shaking because I was cold. They replaced with St Jude Regnant mechincial valve, and small piece of aorta above root. When he got in he was not satisfied with ascending aorta, so he replaced that up to the arch.
I woke up at 4:30 and don't remember breathing tube at all, guy told me to cough, I did and it came out. No issues at all. I remember people coming in about 30 minutes later and I was trying to take care of my family telling them to go home and get rest.
Spent Friday in ICU, just chest soreness no pain until that afternoon, took couple pain meds got up and walked. Nurses said I was a boring patient, was proud of that.
Was released out of ICU Sat morning but bed wasn't avalible, I walked a couple times a day. Moved me Saturday afternoon and chest tubes came out Sunday morning. Wow that makes all the difference. Those things were almost up to my shoulders. Unbelievable. Walked again today and got to come home at noon. Everything normal and vitals good. Going to monitor blood thinner and rest.
Overall yes it's a major surgery. It kicks your butt. But being in good shape and having faith is key. Go to a good high volume hospital. Find a surgeon that has major experience. Vanderbilt is awesome if you are close, I highly recommend.
Ongratulations on making it to the other side. I would have found the "open back up" quite disconcerting so I commend you for staying calm for another 3 hours. I understand what you mean about a sense of calm seeing you through this. Best wishes for continued recovery.
I'm still looking forward(??) to surgery- that was very nice to read! Thanks for posting it & best wishes for an easy, boring recovery :)
Glad it went well. It's your post and surgery but perhaps you could say "having faith was important for me" as there are people out here facing this who aren't very religious and telling them it's " key" might not be very reassuring. Assuming when you mentioned faith you were referring to your aforementioned belief in Jesus.
I checked out a similar valve group to this one & stopped going there because it was too "Christian" in tone, so I appreciate your comment cldlhd...also like this guest's description of a relatively easy surgery
AnnaK;n869958 said:
I checked out a similar valve group to this one & stopped going there because it was too "Christian" in tone, so I appreciate your comment cldlhd..

Thank you ... and here too ... for a guy that claims to not put it in my face he jams it in there pretty sold in his first post op paragraph.

Let me first say I'm a Christian, my faith is in Jesus Christ. I'm not a bible pounder or an in you're face Christian, but I have strong beliefs. I say this because it matters

Sheesh ... I may as well say "I'm not racist, but black people ...."

So let me first say that religious pounders often forget that there are other people and others may not share their religious views (there are Jews, Buddists and Hindus at least here). So please Kyyoungfarmer35 leave your views on (your) god back in (your) church where they belong OR find a forum where they sing the praises of Jesus. My experience of life is that Jesus does bloody nothing and has arranged some bloody horrible bushwacks for me. I hope you get to have your faith tested like Job and that you come up squeeky clean.

Anyway, glad you made it through ... you can thank Science and the care and dedication of a lot of people for that, not Jesus...
AnnaK;n869948 said:
I'm still looking forward(??) to surgery- that was very nice to read! Thanks for posting it & best wishes for an easy, boring recovery :)

the waiting room is the toughest time (I hear, its always been suddenly for me). I dunno if it helps but one of the things which has happened in the last 40 years (well longer in general) is that Medicine takes notes of outcomes and iteratively examines processes on every facet. Thousands of people across the globe have been doing these surgeries (and others) and the combined knowledge and experience is collected and examined by thousands more. So you end up with a surgery which is incredibly beyond the sort of improvements which took place in the hundred years earlier.

Drugs for effective pain management , prodecures to minimise harm, antibiotics to control infections ...

Look at all those things and the thousands who have been through it and be comfortable that you've got a far better chance at doing well than not.

Best Wishes
pellicle , with all due respect, IMO the poster had every right to mention his faith and the comfort it brought him. He mentioned it, and went on. He didn't tell anyone to follow his beliefs; he simply made a statement about them. Just because you don't agree with his beliefs doesn't mean he can't share them. As a writer, I have a big problem with censorship, and in your post you are acting as his censor, telling him where to leave his views. If you don't like what he (or anyone) writes, don't read it. That's what do when I read a post with language that is offensive to me. FYI, I was raised Catholic and very active in the Church for most of my life. My spiritual journey went down a very different path after my husband died, and I've been known to get my hackles up when I hear/read testimonial leaning comments. But it is not my place to tell others they can't express their opinions in a public forum.
Speaking only for myself I wasn't telling anyone what to write I was only suggesting another way of putting it. He has every right to say his faith was very important to him in regards to the surgery and I'm glad he found it comforting but to say it is very important period as a statement of fact is not only demonstrably untrue as many agnostics, atheists etc have had very successful operations and I'm sure many devoted Christians have had utter failures- it rains on the just and unjust like- but it seems exclusory to people who don't shared the beliefs. To me that's part of the faith I see as arrogance disguised as humility.

honeybunny;n869967 said:
... with all due respect, IMO the poster had every right to mention his faith and the comfort it brought him.
... FYI, I was raised Catholic and very active in the Church for most of my life. My spiritual journey went down a very different path after my husband died, and I've been known to get my hackles up when I hear/read testimonial leaning comments. But it is not my place to tell others they can't express their opinions in a public forum.

sounds quite similar to my past ... Yes, both you and cldlhd are correct and its not my place to tell people that they can't express their faith.

I don't know, perhaps some folks just never ever see that yelling it out loud can actually be profoundly irritating to others. Perhaps you can understand how it gets deeply up my nose given my (and perhaps your) history.

I do not (by the way) consider myself atheist ... what I believe is complex to explain, so lets leave my beliefs off this thread.

I'm sorry Kyyoungfarmer35 if my words offended you and I know that I should have held my tongue... I apologize that I have been out of line here.

As I said, I'm glad your surgery went well and as has been pointed out its not my place to tell people what they can and can't say. I find it interesting that we must accept that anyone can all sing the praises of gods but we can't say to others how much it irritates us who don't have that belief.

I've always believed that religion and politics should stay out of these discussions...
I agree with this

cldlhd;n869968... He has every right to say his faith was very important to him in regards to the surgery and I'm glad he found it comforting [/quote said:
and the other parts of what you said.

Again, I'll just keep my mouth shut when I read stuff that gets up my nose and stick to answering questions.

I did strike a chord with AnnaK's point and the Christian stuff here has nearly driven me off a few times, oddly its always a small number and the rest are silent ... it had been seeming less so recently, I hope it stays just about medical issues and not about proclamiations of faith.
I don't see any **** storm.

God helping me through my operation is only fair, given he was probably the reason I needed the operation in the first place... being almighty, and all. Unless, Satan gave me the bad valve, in which case all praise is due to God for the On-X, and the new starter motor in the ute.


Just joking.
Agian;n869979 said:
Satan gave me the bad valve, in which case

does he do house calls? Hang on ... did I parse the punctuation right I got lost on the commas ?? Did Satan do the starter motor in your ute or god?


too late ...

Just to clarify, so there are no misunderstandings:
1) Either God gave me the dodgy native valve and then assisted in it's replacement. No praise required, as he just corrected his initial ****-up.
2) Satan gave me the dodgy valve and then God reversed the Evil by giving me the On-X, in which case much gratitude is warranted.

- The reference to my starter motor was poetic licence. However, if any deity was responsible for it's replacement, it would be God (given that it was an act of good and not evil).
- God does not need to do house-calls, as he is everywhere.