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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
I e-mailed Paula in Finland yesterday. Hope to hear from her soon..also we should hear something from Richie Rich soon too..Hope they are both doing great :) :)
......And I thought waiting to have the surgery was the pits!

Waiting to hear from patients does a number on me too. :eek:


In Finland wrote me before surgery and I got cold reading it..she talked about the temp..snow, ect. and how she would be better off in the hospital..No where to walk..but she should be home by now.
There were a few posts regarding Paula. Her surgery was very successful. Just do a search on Paula. Haven't heard anything lately though.
Just the 1 post

Just the 1 post

on Paula on the 18th from her friend Lisa..but I'm sure she will get my e-mail soon and let me know.
Has anyone heard from Patrick? He had minimally invasive surgery at NYU and I would love to talk to him since thats the same surgery I will be having.