Ischaemic heart disease mechanical valve

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Hi all happy new year 4 years pre op mechanical heart valve can anyone please define the word ischaemic heart disease is valve disease classed as this is it also common to be on beta blockers and lisinopril after surgery many thanks for your feedback
I believe ischemic heart disease generally refers to plaque in the arteries. The amount obviously can vary. I'm not trying to downplay it but even if you have a small amount they'll throw that diagnosis out there. A quick google search of lisinopril describes it as being used to treat hypertension. I think a lot of cardiologists err on the side of beta blockers. I was on them before surgery due to my aneurysm. Post surgery my cardiologist wanted me on them saying " people with a bav tend to get aneurysms " but as my blood pressure is fine and my surgeon said the area that is prone to aneurysm was replaced during my surgery I didn't need them so the cardiologist changed her mind.
I'm on a medication which a person must not take if they have Ischaemic heart disease, so it has all been checked out by my cardiologist and other specialists that I do not have ischaemic heart disease. I do have a prosthetic valve because I did have bicuspid aortic valve but cardiologist and the other specialists specifically wrote in reports that I do not have heart disease but rather a heart defect, now corrected with prosthetic valve. So the answer to your question, guest, is that a valve defect/replacement is not ischaemic heart disease. Ischaemic heart disease is atherosclerosis, that is coronary plaque. You might have the same medications but it's not the same !

PS Of course a person can have both a heart defect/replacement valve and ischaemic heart disease !
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