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  1. Carrie

    Help and advice wanted about post surgery aches

    Andrew Lessman sells a good one on Small capsule, pricey, but no fishy taste or heavy metals.
  2. Carrie

    How do you know when you are able to drive?

    I have read you can drive again at four weeks, six weeks, or eight weeks. How do you know when you are able to drive again? :D What are your thoughts and experiences? Thanks.
  3. Carrie

    Metoprolol and low blood pressure

    My husband just got an AVR last Friday, and came home on Tuesday. Since then, his blood pressure has ranged from 114/72 (normal) to 99/59, which I think is low. The nurse said to lower his metoprolol from 75 to 50, because the amount needed to control his pressure in the hospital was higher...
  4. Carrie

    Help and advice wanted about post surgery aches

    I watch Andrew Lessman when he is on HSN. I use his because the caps are smaller, but there are many ways his product is advertised as being better. Check it out at . It does cost more than Costco, but his discussion of Omega 3 is helpful. :)
  5. Carrie

    coming up to four weeks two weeks of hell

    I found INR in the glossary at Heart Talk on the main page. Thanks.
  6. Carrie

    coming up to four weeks two weeks of hell

    What is INR? I don't know these acronyms.
  7. Carrie

    nausea? eating? low hemoglobin?

    Hb 7 Hb 7 That Hb is too low (anemia), since normal is 14 or so. When my husband was this low, he received two units of blood to get him back to normal. He became anemic in the pre-op stage, but no cause was ever found for it. It was shortness of breath due to anemia that led to his PCP...