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  1. B

    living with a monkey on my back

    Thank you, thank you for the upbeat message. Those of us with surgery in the near future are very grateful...
  2. B

    Barbara Walters having heart valve surgery

    Thank you, Kim. I was really depressed reading Dan's remarks as I face AVR surgery. Let's face it, we all know deep down about the risks, but it doesn't mean we actually want to think about them or see them in writing...
  3. B

    36-hours Post-Op As I Write This

    Wow - I only hope and pray those of us in the 'waiting room' can come through it with your speed and sense of humor! I echo everyone else who says 'thank you' for trying to allay our fears... (Of course now we'll all feel like wimps if we don't bounce right back!) I'm still going with tissue...
  4. B

    living with a monkey on my back

    I'd just like to tell you all that this site, and you, are so good - and have certainly made me feel a whole lot less like I'm doing this alone! I also was diagnosed with BAV about 15 years ago and have been watching and waiting with annual echos since then. Now it's reached surgery time...
  5. B

    Surgery Before Symptoms

    Hi Dan and Pat - Seems like we'll all be at the Brigham... We can form a club! I still can't quite bring myself to commit to a date; I'd feel differently if I was experiencing symptoms. After considering all the options, I have definitely decided on tissue though. Some days I think - just...
  6. B

    Surgery Before Symptoms

    Surgery before Symptoms Surgery before Symptoms Hi Dan - Like you I have been advised to have surgery, but am asymptomatic. Keep wondering if they picked up the wrong file... Again like you, am resigned to doing it this summer and also at Brigham. Maybe I'll see you there! It's reassuring...
  7. B

    New to the site, and in the waiting stage. AVR

    I know just how you feel. I think I probably get out of breath sooner than I used to, too. Now I'm just trying to decide when to do it, but I don't think there's ever going to be a 'good' time... Maybe I'll see you there! Let me know how it goes, and keep in touch.
  8. B

    New to the site, and in the waiting stage. AVR

    Hi again Pat - Yes, our situations do sound similar. (And we probably live fairly close!) I still feel as if they've all made a mistake, as I don't really have symptoms either, but I guess the numbers don't lie... Hope to see Dr. Bolman at Brigham as this is his specialty. I keep trying to...
  9. B

    New to the site, and in the waiting stage. AVR

    Hi Pat in NH - (I'm just over the border in Mass.) Also diagnosed with murmur years ago, then aortic stenosis, and now with dilated aorta too... It's great to get older... Apparently the stenosis is now severe (0.6-0.7), so they want to replace that and repair aneurysm at the same time, even...