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  1. JAJ99

    1st post! question for the ladies... kind of embarrasing.

    I started my period the day before surgery. I must have told about 10 different people the day of surgery since I also had an angiogram the morning of too. It was no big deal. They have seen it all. I thought for certain that my period would stop immediately after surgery, but it did not. At...
  2. JAJ99

    Panic Attacks

    Take magnesium!!! I take chelated magnesium as it helps in absorption. Chelated magnesium a little hard to find but a good vitamin store should have it, but a drugstore probably not. There is a lot written about magnesium and panic attacks. I had a few attacks, many years ago, which I...
  3. JAJ99

    Would you be a guniea pig?

    I looked into this and discussed it with my cardio. I don't think the data is sufficient, therefore I didn't pursue. Another worry I had was if the clip were to fail would the valve be too damaged to be repaired. It would probably be good for someone who wouldn't do well with OHS. Best of...
  4. JAJ99

    minimally invasive versus sternectomy for MV repair for bileaflet prolapse

    I have a few things to add after my comments on to you yesterday. I think the comfort level of the surgeon dictates the type of incision you get. I'm not sure what caused your prolapse but in my case, my valve was thickened therefore wouldn't close properly. It was a congenital condition...
  5. JAJ99

    Which Surgeon To Choose?

    I cannot help you on your surgeon selection but I have some comments regarding the thoracotomy approach. I had a complicated bileaflet repair last October at Mayo. Dr. Schaff performed the surgery between my ribs. I have a 7 inch incision below my right breast that starts almost at my...
  6. JAJ99

    Should be in the hospital

    Many prayers for Curt, you, and your family.
  7. JAJ99

    Sleep & Stomach Issues

    I had a terrible time sleeping post surgery. Ambien didn't help much but over-the-counter Unisome (tablets, not capsules, I think they have different active ingredients) did wonders. It makes you groggy in the morning though, and 1/2 of a pill is all I needed. I'm now almost 9 months post-op...
  8. JAJ99

    Blood Pressure Meds

    Years ago I took Toprol to control PVC's. I could not tolerate it so my cardio put me on propranolol. I think propranolol is one of the first beta-blockers. I tolerated that with no adverse side-effects and still take it on occasion. Perhaps all beta-blockers aren't created equal. Try...
  9. JAJ99

    Made the call! Surgery scheduled for June 2nd!

    Today is my 6th month post-surgery anniversaryand it's so wonderful to have it behind me. The waiting is the worst part but you'll be so elated once it's over! Best wishes and keep positive. You'll do great.
  10. JAJ99

    Hi Everyone!

    Welcome to the site! It is a great source of comfort. I did not wake up with the breathing tube in, or if I did, I don't remember it. I'm with Cooker, I'd rate the entire process a 2-2.5 on a pain scale. I threw-up several times while in the ICU and didn't even feel pain. Child birth was...
  11. JAJ99

    kfay's surgery is this Thursday, April 10

    Prayers for a successful surgery and recovery!
  12. JAJ99

    having fever

    I'd get a low grade fever every evening and during the day if I over-did it. It lasted for about 3-4 weeks, I think. Your body is telling you to take it easy.
  13. JAJ99

    Keeping my surgical date

    Wishing you a successful surgery, smooth recovery, and safe travels.
  14. JAJ99

    invoice has arrived

    My mitral valve repair and 5 nights in the hospital (with no complications) cost about $83,000. I had to pay around $900 out of pocket to max out my total out-of-pocket/year. Not bad considering I have a new lease on life!!Having the surgery at Mayo makes the billing rather easy. Everything...
  15. JAJ99

    Need some opinions!!

    I'm sorry you have to make this decision. As a former Mayo patient, maybe I can offer some advice. I saw my surgeon only twice following surgery. Each surgeon there (I believe) has an entourage of doctors and PA's. I saw someone from his group everyday. Each surgeon is very busy and I know...
  16. JAJ99

    Concentration problems after surgery

    At least now I have an excuse for being forgetful and not attributing it to getting older :D :D
  17. JAJ99

    Intro from a new member

    Welcome to the site from another Packer fan. I'm originally from Upper Michigan and I was driving across Wisconsin when I heard the news regarding Favre. He will be missed. I wish you a smooth recovery. It's been almost 5 months since my surgery I feel completely back to normal. Take one...
  18. JAJ99

    Post Surgery Scar Therapy

    I recently purchased BioOil (I bought it at Walgreens). I've used it for about one week now and either it's my imagination or wishful thinking, but it does seem to be working. It's made specifically for scars. It contains vitamin E along with other ingredients. It's also not nearly as greasy...
  19. JAJ99


    I can't imagine why that would be a problem. I received two massages while in the hospital and several 4-8 weeks post. Relax and enjoy :) .
  20. JAJ99

    Out of surgery and doing well...

    Congratulations on a successful surgery. I'm astonished you didn't barf up the Mt. Dew. I barfed every ice chip, but kept asking for more. I slept in my bed as soon as I got home, but I used 3 pillows to form a wedge. I used that for at least a month. I hope your ride hope is safe and your...