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  1. llewis34

    Cardiac Rehabilitation Bill in Congress

    Going to the site is so easy!! If you go to the Take Action button you can email your rep or senator right there! I contacted mine!!
  2. llewis34

    1 Year Anniversary - 10 Miler

    Don't Lose Hope! Don't Lose Hope! I too went through the same feelings! Especially since my surgery was in April of last year when the weather was so nice and I wanted to be outside running, biking, etc. And I just couldn't do it. But the milestones I was making each day just walking down...
  3. llewis34

    13.1 And Done!!!

    I would be interested if my schedule would allow! Maybe put a new post out there on this? Great idea!
  4. llewis34

    13.1 And Done!!!

    Not every day....but I try to do some form of exercise every day. I have a spin bike at home so if I don't walk or jog, I try to ride for about 30 min. a day. But I have a crazy dog Sally that loves to walk, so I try to walk her for at least a 1/2 hour or more a few times a week, too.
  5. llewis34

    Its a year

    CONGRATULATIONS! 1 year is quite an accomplishment!! As I am still feeling it myself! 4/20/07 WE MADE IT THIS FAR! And living life to the fullest is so much more rewarding now!
  6. llewis34

    13.1 And Done!!!

    : : It wasn't as hard as I expected...and I've done one before so it wasn't my first. And I had trained better this time than the last. Probably a race every weekend except a few since the first of February. But since I had knee surgery in October, too, I really had to take it easier than...
  7. llewis34

    13.1 And Done!!!

    I just knew this would be a once in a lifetime thing. I wanted to honor my dad for his surgery as well as celebrate mine! A good friend of mine is a graphic artist and I just happen to order shirts on a regular basis for our staff so I could get a good price. That was my gift to everyone for...
  8. llewis34

    Did another 5k today

    Congrats!! Congrats!! Congratulations Debbie!! We were thinking about you during our race yesterday! Sounds like yours was challenging physically. Ours was a very mental thing. But the weather was PERFECT! In the high 50's at the start and then in the low 60's at the finish. I'm just a...
  9. llewis34

    13.1 And Done!!!

    And the back of our family team shirt!!!
  10. llewis34

    13.1 And Done!!!

    The first photo is 3 generations! Mom, me, and younger daughter! Here we are finishing! The clock time is deceiving since we were in corral Z and it took us 30 minutes to get to the starting line! Nearly 40,000 participants!! And our actual recorded time was 3:20 but our REAL time was 3:08...
  11. llewis34

    13.1 And Done!!!

    Well we did it! We finished the Indy 500 Mini Marathon yesterday! Not the time I wanted, but still respectable. What a great day it was with 3 generations participating. My mom, two daughters, one of the girl's fiance as well as her college roommate! Of course the oldest daughter and her...
  12. llewis34

    1 Year Anniversary - 10 Miler

    Hey Debbie! Yes, our 1/2 marathon is May 3rd!! Yeah! Course my oldest daughter, 23, ran a 1/2 marathon yesterday and her fiance did the full marathon...part of the Kentucky Derby celebration kick-off. She is the athlete in the family. My younger daughter, 21, took up walking/jogging as an...
  13. llewis34

    1 Year Anniversary - 10 Miler

    Thanks for the HIP HIP HOOORAYS!!!!!!!!!!! and Debbie THANK YOU!!!!!!!! You can do it, too! I just still can't believe that it has been 1 year and when I was in your shoes I got frustrated that I couldn't do more. This whole year has been the BIGGEST lesson in patience I've ever had. I've...
  14. llewis34

    What are you doing/did you do during the wait?

    Nesting, as others have said, YES! And getting affairs in order. This was the first time I have had this type of scare so I made sure all of my life insurance, 401k, investments, etc. were handy with the right numbers of who to call just in case. My family was uncomfortable with me sharing...
  15. llewis34

    1 Year Anniversary - 10 Miler

    Yes!! And my daughter and I have done 8 races starting with a 5k in early February to build up to our mini on May 3. We've had a better pace each time. It really feels so good!! I had forgotten how much I missed it. Course we're still doing the walk/jog thing. I don't think my joints will...
  16. llewis34

    pre-surgery restrictions

    Ditto To All Of Above Ditto To All Of Above I had been monitored for 5 years annually...then twice a year as of 2006....then found out it was time just over 1 year ago. My aneurysm (as my dr called it) was also 5.5 cm. I was training for a mini marathon at the time. My dr. told me to stop...
  17. llewis34

    I set my running baseline

    Great job on progress! Great job on progress! Great job! I am one year out and also had a blown knee at 6 months post OHS! So I will never be quick as my joints won't allow it. I now am happy to do the walk/job thing. We did out 10 miler today....48 degrees, cloudy, only a slight breeze...
  18. llewis34

    1 Year Anniversary - 10 Miler

    What a way to celebrate my 1 year anniversary! Jogging a 10 miler with my girls!! To those in the waiting room or in recovery...your time will come! You will feel better! We are doing the Indy 500 Mini Marathon in 2 weeks and I think we are ready! Such a long way from where I was this time...
  19. llewis34

    I did it I did it!!!

    Congrats Congrats Congratulations!!! I know the feeling...that first 5k is such an accomplishment! Keep up the good work! Lisa
  20. llewis34

    1 year anniversary!

    Well, sorry for not posting in a very long while.....but this weekend has had me in a very focused and thankful mindset. Focused on my family and the fact that we were getting to all be together to celebrate this occasion, and thankful that God has given me this successful year of recovery! It...