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  1. F

    Maintaining a Career, Hobbies, and a Lifestyle With Aortic Stenosis

    Thank you all so much for the very thoughtful and very informative replays! As you can probably tell, I am not very informed about my condition and how it will affect my life, so I thank you for sharing you superior knowledge and experience. I posted the OP in a bout of depression and your...
  2. F

    Maintaining a Career, Hobbies, and a Lifestyle With Aortic Stenosis

    pellicle, thank you so much. You have no idea how much that inspired me! :)
  3. F

    Maintaining a Career, Hobbies, and a Lifestyle With Aortic Stenosis

    Looking at my future, I am struggling to only align myself with things that I can either continue through the onset of serious symptoms and surgeries or leave at a moments notice without regret. With regards to career plans, I would love to work very hard to get a great job. But... I will...
  4. F

    Recreational and Pharmaceutical Drugs and BAV/Stenosis

    Thanks for all the reply's! I'll share my experience with different lifestyle choices: Caffeine: Surprisingly, this is one of the worst for me. If I drink caffeine at anytime, terrible nighttime palpitations are inevitable. Good thing I have never had a problem with staying awake in the...
  5. F

    Recreational and Pharmaceutical Drugs and BAV/Stenosis

    Who else is struggling with the need to alter his/her mind in some way, shape, or form and the conflicting knowledge that it could be putting him/her at some type of risk? I know I am not alone on this, yet I have yet to see a good thread with detailed experiences here or anywhere online. I...