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  1. H

    4th surgery homograph redo

    Well here I sit still in the waiting room for my "need to get done as soon as possible" surgery. I do finally have a date for my surgery and can start to see the light at the end of this tunnel. I will have my surgery on July 8th! It took what felt like forever to hear back from Mayo and have...
  2. H

    4th surgery homograph redo

    Hi guys, first thanks for the input. Yes this all started at the beginning of April. They wanted to send me to Mayo right away but due to an issue my ins. Mayo would not take me as an transfer. So an appt was made for the 6th of May. They sent me home with instructions to take it easily and...
  3. H

    4th surgery homograph redo

    Hi, I am new to this site and let first off say I wish I would have came across it earlier in my life. I am 38 years old and am in the waiting room for my 4th OHS. To give you a little history I was born with coarc of the aorta and bicuspid aortic valve. At 2 I had the coarc repair and they...
  4. H

    Scars on back from childhood surgery - question

    Hi Arline I am also very new to this site and I also have one of these scars from my coarc repair in 77 mine starts at my shoulder and goes around to the beginning of my breast. I fortunately haven't had any problems with that scar but the one from my drainage tube itches from time to time. I...