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  1. T

    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    Thank you very much. He actually died yesterday in the afternoon - 16 hour ago. We needed to tell the doctors to reduce the medicine, 'cause there was no hope left and the situation did not change since friday. It was a torture for everyone. We all did our very best and, of course, my father did...
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    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    He's going to lose the fight today. The doctors say that he's not going to survive the day. After my last post everything changed so dramatically fast. He got a pneumonia again and sedated again. I visited him on thursday, while he was still awake. I know he recognized me, but was a bit...
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    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    No major news, but we even take the small ones :-). He is a bit better, he gets moodlifter and he is at least interested in TV and radio again and is more vivid. He also feels a bit better, but there's too much water in hands and feet, although he is still at dialysis. Unfortunately there's...
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    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    Yes, he is tired of fighting. There's a radio in the room and a TV. He refuses both of them. I would like to see one of his brothers in hospital, they haven't been three or four months now. I guess that might help, but I think they are too scared to see him that way. It's only my brother and I...
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    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    @escargome It seems as if he no longer knows what to fight for. He is deeply depressed, doesn't even WANT to move any part of his body. And my hands are tied at the moment, since I am down with a flu and cannot visit him since a week now (of course my brother is there daily). I'm probably still...
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    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    Just to keep you all informed: The situation did not change much. The belly aches are gone, but he still got his tracheotomy, still no eating, still only partly breathing, still no talking, still ICU. We did not get far the last weeks. Still hoping...
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    Evil Amiodarone

    I can only speak for Germany. Well, it depends. My Father got Amiodarone twice for only a few days and in two very urgent cases. The doctors always told us, that he should only get Amiodarone for an absolute maximum of five days in a row (I don't know the daily dose). But I also recently met a...
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    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    Thank you, Sarah! It would be a huge step for him to be free of pain again. It's probably you Douglas once mentioned shortly, so please also take care of yourself.
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    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    @epstns You are probably absolutely right. Finally this morning, they told us the same thing you mentioned. They sent in some samples to check for a bacteria. Too bad they needed a week for that :mad2:. I am a bit upset now, that this is obviously a well-known problem and they need such a long...
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    Doctor said they never seen this before....

    It seems as if some doctors are quite the same all over the world. They just give you a diagnosis, sent you back home and you have to deal with all that alone. What I learned is that it is most important not to panic in such a situation - I know it is not easy. As the others said: Try to get...
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    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    @Greg Very interesting interview. Fortunately the doctors told us most of the things *before* we decided to give a chance to the LVAD. @escargome & epstns He is totally parenteral nutritioned (?). But his bowel movements are ok. They did a computed tomography and found nothing, so they cannot...
  12. T

    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    @Escargome and Robert Thank you for your support. @Julian Yes, that's what we still hope for. It would be amazing so see the effect of the LVAD in a few weeks. But he needs to have a chance to stand up and eat and speak before all that might happen. @all It stagnates a bit. Today he was a bit...
  13. T

    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    @all Thanks for your wishes. It's going to get better a bit. He is able to breathe on his own now - no artificial assistance any more. He started to interact with the people around him again, but cannot speak because of the tracheotomy. His blood pressure is a bit better now from 60/55 to 80/60...
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    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    Thank you. Unfortunately his situation has dramatically changed. He has had a pneumonia, they were putting him back to sleep and he is artificially resperated again. They did another surgery yesterday, because they found air in the belly. They are not sure whether he would wake up again because...
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    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    Thank you. It is not the first time my dad surprises the doctors :-). So, your son is a german and at my age :-). I hope you'll find the time and cash someday to show him were he was born. It is amazing that in this forum are people who even lived for a longer time in germany. I never...
  16. T

    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    It seems as if all your prayers are helping a lot. The doctors are very surprised that he is recovering so good. My brother was there today and he told me that he now seems to be in a better condition than before the surgery. This is great and we never expected that so soon. Now we're facing the...
  17. T

    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    @Greg~ Of course we're very exhausted. But nevertheless the feeling, that everything could be fine in a few weeks is overwhelming now. I know, it is a bit soon now, but I know my dad - he has always been a fighter. @Fundy The surgeon said, that he might stand up for the first time 14 days after...
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    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    Everything goes according to plan. He is back on the ICU now, sleeps until tomorrow and then we`ll see more. But the worst is hopefully done. *sigh
  19. T

    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    Hi, thanks for your PM and the article. It could be very usefull in a few days. The surgery now starts in about an hour and might be over in 8 hours. The risk is very high because of the scarfs of the last two bypass surgerys. I "just" need to pass the day somehow...
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    LVAD - Experiences anyone?

    Too bad that none of the members with LVAD experiences is still active here. I guess one of them led me to this forum because of someone talking of them in a thread. There was also a discussion that my father could get a valve replacement, because of a valve that is not closing correctly. But...