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  1. M

    Started rehab today...

    I started rehab about two weeks after my surgery. I was honestly somewhat surprised that I could start that soon, because I was still having a lot of pain and trouble moving around at that point. Now, I have just completed my sixth week of rehab, which just doesn't seem possible. The...
  2. M

    After your surgery, what are some of the things that you found out that surprised you

    I was surprised to learn: *My surgery lasted over 9 hours *Once my aortic valve was replaced, my mitral valve leakage worsened and the decision was made to get that replaced while they had me open *I have no recollection of the first day post-surgery, I was that out of it *How patient I would...
  3. M

    Surgery all done

    Seriously, two weeks out and I felt like my world was ending if I coughed a couple times. Man, I envy you!
  4. M

    3 weeks...

    Way to go! I'm at 3 wks now too, and just over the past couple of days I can say I am now noticing some significant improvement in how I feel and how I am getting around. I go for another cardiac rehab appt today. I slept for the most part in my bed last night, but still woke up after only 3...
  5. M

    What's ahead?

    Yes, my cardiologist was eager to get me started with the cardiac rehab program. The trainers there all agreed that three weeks is a little sooner than they are accustomed to getting people, but said it's not uncommon when considering my age and activity level prior to surgery. Having gone to...
  6. M

    2weeks & 1 day

    If I remember correctly, our surgeries were both on 2/28. I have maintained some level of activity with light around the house work, coupled with the occasional walk down the street and back. I am really surprised at how slowly my recovery is taking place. I was in the best shape of my life...
  7. M

    What's ahead?

    I'm pretty much off the percocet now - advil has been helping me cope with the aches and pains far more effectively. Yesterday was rough, as I endured several prolonged coughing fits. Those seem to be subsiding thankfully. Tomorrow I will go to my first session of cardiac rehab... Still not sure...
  8. M

    What's ahead?

    Thanks, as usual, for the positive reinforcement. It's reassuring to hear these thoughts and experiences are similar to others who have gone through this process.
  9. M

    What's ahead?

    I am having a rough day. The issues are two-fold. First, I have been battling extreme tightness in my shoulders. I have been able, for the most part, to sleep well using the reclining sofa we have, but the lingering side effect of that is this soreness in my shoulders. I am still using a...
  10. M

    What's ahead?

    Yeah, humor is really the only way to go as far as the ticking is concerned for me. The other thing I absolutely dread right now is coughing. Fortunately, the bouts are few and far between, but I need to remember to prepare for them by having my heart pillow around. Last night was lots better...
  11. M

    What's ahead?

    Hello, all. First time poster today. I had been lurking here for months as I tried to find out what I was about to go through, by reading the words of those who had already been there. See, in November, I was diagnosed with a bicuspid aortic valve that was severely regurgitating. I later...