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  1. R

    Leg incision numbeness

    Thanks everyone.... we will call the doc. Im thinking prety normal based on my exp[erience w/ a c-section, but I will update. thanks! Vanessa
  2. R

    Leg incision numbeness

    Hi all! Randy had double bypass on 2/14/12. He mentioned today that he is suffering from leg numbness on the lower incisions on both of this legs. Tried one leg for valve graft, no good, switched to the other leg. From your experience is this a temporary or permanant issue? Thanks! Vanessa...
  3. R

    Night sweats

    Thank you all soooo much! Very helpful info and nice to know he's not alone. Now, if I can only get him to stop trying to take the garabge out! lol :wink2:
  4. R

    Night sweats

    My husband had a double bypass on 2/14/12. He has been having night sweats, to the point where we have to change sheets, etc... From what I have read, pretty normal. No diabetes or other co-morbidities, however I was wondering if anyone has some thoghts on things we may be able to do to minimize...