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  1. D

    Sixteen years since MVR St Judes and still going strong !

    Haven't been on this site for some time, but just thought for those who have recently had heart valve replacement, it might be comforting to know there are lots of people who have had a valve replaced without any major complications post surgery. I had a St Judes MVR fitted 16yrs ago and have...
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    I have a St Judes mitral valve fitted 14 years ago. I have had very little problems since, my INR is always stable and I self test. I am taking Warfaran and was taking Candestartan, but recently my new Specialist changed the Candestarton to Cilazapril. The Cilazapril is unfortunately causing...
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    After having a valve replacement how often do you see your cardiologist?

    Hi Rebecca I had an MVR with St Judes Mechanical 14yrs ago. For the first two years I had an echo every six months, and then every 18mths since. I guess it depends on how well you are, I know its a pain but if they find something they don't like, early discovery is really good ! All the best.
  4. D

    Left Ventricle ejection fraction impaired after mitral valve replacement

    Thanks for the research links, happy to know the impaired LV function is not necessarily a big issue. Will ask about ventricle enlargement next time I see the doctor. The problem is knowing what questions to ask. Some of the specialists are not as free with the information as they should be.
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    Left Ventricle ejection fraction impaired after mitral valve replacement

    Hi Duffey Thank you for your kind thoughts. The frustrating thing is I won't know if there is any improvement until after my next scheduled Echo 18mths from now. Still a glass half full is always better than a glass half empty ! Cheers
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    Left Ventricle ejection fraction impaired after mitral valve replacement

    Hi Everyone Greetings from New Zealand. I haven't been on this site for quite some time, but have been a member since I had a St Judes mitral valve fitted in July 2000. All is good and has been since surgery almost 14yrs ago, except my ejection fraction is only 40% from my LV and has been that...
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    Warfarin and Aspirin

    Thankyou for all those replys, I think I will follow Doctors orders and continue with the Aspirin, i didn't realise that the Aspirin and Warfarin do different jobs. From time to time I have stopped using the Aspirin for a week or two, usually because I have run out of Aspirin, and I nearly...
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    Warfarin and Aspirin

    I had a Mitral valve prolapse twelve years ago and have a St Judes mechanical which is still ticking along quite nicely. When I left hospital all those years ago I was prescribed Warfarin and Aspirin. I have asked several Doctors if I need to keep taking Aspirin because it seems to me they both...