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  1. T

    change in blood pressure

    I was put on metoprolol prior to surgery(December 1st). I never had an issue with blood pressure so I assumed it was to keep the heart rate down. It is now 6 weeks post op and I am still on the metoprolol. 25 mg two times daily.My heart rate is averaging mid 50s to mid 60s but in the last week...
  2. T

    Post Op update

    Well I had AVR & aneurysm repair surgery on Dec. 1st, was sent home on Dec. 5th and so far all is going real real good. Sleeping has gotten so much better. I am able to sleep in bed again and even able to sleep on my sides. I have never been able to get good sleep on my back so this has been...
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    1st week home

    Hello everyone, Well I have been home a week now and so far everything seems to be coming along fine. Sleeping is still somewhat of an issue but gets better every day. Not real sure what to be expecting as far as what should and should not hurt. Nothing is really bad but I do get sore high on...
  4. T

    Back Home

    Hello everyone, Just a quick stop in here to let ya'll know that my surgery for valve replacement and repair of the aortic aneurysm went very well and I am back home and trying to find the driver of that big truck you all speak of. It seems to have gone right over my shoulder blades a couple...
  5. T

    Almost here

    Well it is really starting to set in now. In about 24 hours I will be on the table. Starting to kind of freak out right now. I know I'm going to be in good hands and all, I just feel the anxiety really starting to rise. I have had my share of surgical procedures before this but to be honest I...
  6. T

    things changing

    Right now I am scheduled for surgery on December 7. I was wanting to get that good old Turkey Day feast before doing this. Now I am trying to get this procedure moved up a week or so if possible as I am starting to feel more and more crappy all the time.I am having a very hard time catching my...
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    time with surgeon

    I am curious as to how much time you have all spent with your surgeon prior to surgery? I am hopefully going to have my procedure done December 7th and I have actually only had 1 visit with mine although it was quite extensive and very informative. Since that time all of my inquiries have been...
  8. T

    ostomy and surgery

    Well it is getting closer to decision time for surgery and I am getting more and more anxious about all of it. I am shooting for surgery on the 17th. I am waiting to get the verification from surgeons office on this date. I was curious if anyone here that has had OHS had an ostomy at time of...
  9. T

    new and overwhelmed

    Hello all I just found this site a couple days ago on a search and I must admit there is an awful lot of information here. A brief history: In February of this year I had an echo done and was informed that I had an aortic stenosis that was considered moderate to severe (1.1) and was told to...