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Valve Replacement Forums

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  1. D

    Tennis Anyone?

    I was wondering if there are any tennis players out there. If so, how long did you wait between surgery and playing? I was thinking of possibly resuming after four months. Thanks, Dave
  2. D

    Six weeks and jogging

    Following AVR on September 11, I was able to complete a 5K race, The Superhero 5k, held in Asheville NC. My time of 39'53' was about 10 minutes slower than last year but good enough for third place in my age group, 70+. (OK, there were only three of us) Everything is going well, and I'm looking...
  3. D

    Three weeks after AVR

    Firstly, I'd like to thank all you kind folks for your support and advice. It certainly made the experience a lot easier. My surgery was September 11, and I believe it went as well as could be expected. The pain and discomfort are now becoming a fading memory, and I confidently expect my...
  4. D

    Which Hospital

    Hello all. Just discovered this forum and am happy to see all the valuable information it has. My first echo cardiogram was 16 years ago and revealed mild aortic stenosis. A few months ago, I noted a severe decrease in my exercise tolerance. Although I don't do marathons any more, I still...