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  1. T

    Had no idea

    Well my anxiety wasn't unnecessary. Got a bunch of bad lab tests. Low calcium low iron saturation high GCFT normal Ferratin low hemoglobin almost.5 months post op. Ugg
  2. T

    Hello from VA

    Someone suggested I start a thread in the introduction section because I'm new. I won't do it again.
  3. T

    Hello from VA

    i did read them. i have it set up so every response i get a notification on my phone. i cant help being negative. i know i shouldn't worry about things i have no control over.right now im just going thru depression real bad, it sucks. i will definitely talk to my doctor about all this.
  4. T

    Had no idea

    I finally got an appointment with a doctor after a month of trying. I just got out of prison for possession of heroin. I got sick in there with a bladder infection.when I told them I wasn't feeling well they ignored me. I ended up developing sepsis and from there a domino effect of bad things...
  5. T

    Hello from VA

    Hey all im 36 and just had a tricuspid valve replacement. Got the pig implant. I had endocarditis and i guess it messed my valve up. Im going thru the stages of grief right now because i just cant believe at 36 im going to have a rough road ahead. I dont have heart failure. I just keep reading...
  6. T

    Had no idea

    Thank you for all the good positive feedback
  7. T

    Had no idea

    thanks for the welcome. im so stressed im having full blown panic attacks all day long about it. i just cant find any literature that says that the 15 year survival rate is around 50%..i had endocarditis originallly that caused my valve to just blown out of my mind that they never...
  8. T

    Had no idea

    Ive been googling long term recovery from a tricuspid valve replacement and i keep seeing basically im going to die within a few years in im lucky. Im scared to death. I had endocarditis and my valve went bad so they put a pig valve in. why is our survival rate so low? is this just a myth im...