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Valve Replacement Forums

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  1. S

    newborn baby with bicuspic aortic valve

    Hi Barishan! Welcome. I'm 21 years old and I was diagnosed with a BAV when I was born. I had 3 heart surgeries when I was very young, but I played baseball and swam competitively. In gym class I couldn't run as fast as everyone else, but I still participated. When I was 9 I had my BAV replaced...
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    My Thoughts on Electrocution by Defibrillator

    Thanks to everyone for replying to my rant. Now I feel kind of stupid. I went home and went to Children's to see my cardio and have them check my ICD again after the second shock. It turns out that I didn't go into v-tach, my heart was actually conducting on it's own for the first time in 5...
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    My Thoughts on Electrocution by Defibrillator

    I got my ICD Feb. 27, 2008 and for the past nine months we've lived in perfect harmony. I don't bother it and it doesn't bother me. Until Monday when it decided to shock me. I had just woken up from a nap when I could feel my heart racing and then slowing down, racing, slowing down, racing, and...
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    Shone Syndrome

    I have it! I was born with a bicuspid valve and a coarctation and I still have subaortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation. I don't have any problems with my mitral valve, though, just my aortic (which got replaced...) Feel free to message me! I'd love to talk about it with you! -Clare
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    SSI reform e-mail...of interest?

    Dr. Kuehl is my cardiologist! She's awesome.
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    defibrillators are way too big

    Hello! I haven't posted for a while. I got a defibrillator on 2/27/08 which sucked because it replaced my brand new pacemaker that I got a year ago. I was released from the hospital after three days. I felt great and I wasn't even in that much pain. I thought I would be able to enjoy my spring...
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    heart cath under gen. anesthesia??

    Debbie- I've had ALL my cardiac caths done under general anesthesia. I have never been awake. I've also never heard of someone being awake during a cath. I don't know if that's because I was a kid or what. I'm 21 now and I just had a cath in December for an EP study and I was put under. I'm...
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    holy ****!!! (scared out of my mind)

    Hey Morgan, I totally know what you're going through. I'm 21, too, and I'm getting a defibrillator and having to miss class and everything sucks. I'm totally with you on the anger thing. Heart stuff always makes me angry and I feel like breaking stuff all the time. I'm sorry that your dad and...
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    Getting a Defibrillator- not happy

    Hello again. I haven't posted since October, I think, when I got atrial fibrillation. I had an EP study done two weeks ago that determined that I have the potential for sustained ventricular tachycardia, so I'm getting a defibrillator on Jan. 14. This really sucks. I'm 21 and my heart is...
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    Side Effects Of Amiodarone

    I was on amiodarone when I was nine and it made me allergic to sunlight and heat. That was the worst summer of my life. I stopped taking it shortly after that. -Clare
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    Atrial Fibrillation, anyone?

    Thanks for all your comments! They did put me on magnesium, but they didn't think any of my other meds were a cause for concern. They did tell me about all the triggers, but none of them apply to me. I don't drink or smoke and my diet hasn't changed significantly enough for me to suddenly get...
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    Atrial Fibrillation, anyone?

    I just got treated for atrial fibrillation last week. It wasn't a big deal, I guess, because they did cardioversion and my heart went back to normal. But I'm upset because I haven't had rhythm problems since I've had a pacemaker which is almost 10 years and all the cardiologists (all 5 of...
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    6 Month Anniversary of Pacemaker!

    Hello. I haven't posted in a while. I joined earlier this year because I got back in the game when my pacemaker failed suddenly at the end of February. I just wanted to check and see what people were posting when I realized that this is the sixth-month anniversary of my second pacemaker surgery...
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    18yr old son needs valve replacement-HELP

    I'm 20, so I can understand what your son is going through. Although I got my valve when I was 9, I remember that I was sore for a while. It also hurts to laugh, so watching funny movies while recovering is a double-edged sword. I also coughed a lot. The lungs aren't used for a while so they...
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    Hi Peter. I had endocarditis when I was 9 and it eventually led to my AVR. However, when I got my valve my surgeon told me it would last 200 years and so you guys are freaking me out with the possibility of a re-op. I'm already facing surgery every 10 years because of the pacemaker. (In fact I'm...