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Valve Replacement Forums

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  1. S

    How the frankenscense do you get out of bed?

    I remember that! I spent about the first month or so sleeping in a recliner I had moved to the bedroom prior to my surgery. Never had to lay flat. When I did finally go to "bed", I had a heck of a time. We have a very high bed. (18 + inches below it) It will get better tho. HOWEVER, It was a...
  2. S


    Kevin, I had my AVR in 07-08 (almost 7 years now) and I am a working police officer. There is LOTS of misinformation out there. (Especially about Warfarin) I can do ANYTHING. I have no issues at all and no Warfarin issues. I had heard a major Atlanta hospital patient info station (on the room...
  3. S

    New here - congenital BAV replacement coming right up

    JiFaire, As it is, I am sitting in the hospital outside the Cardiac recovery area. My mom is doing fine and, she did get a mechanical valve. She left this up to the doc depending on what he found when he got in. I was real suprised when he said he went mechanical. He did say that by this time...
  4. S

    New here - Aortic Valve Replacement scheduled for Nov 15th

    Don't stress the tube. I didn't like the thought of that either. (who would) The thing is, they give copious amounts of REALLY GOOD drugs and you will not remember very much. My family said they came by and, although I had the tube in, I did acknowledge them. I REMEMBER NOTHING! They told my...
  5. S

    Mechanical vs tissue

    Your Doc is right!. Cutting back on a salad or two (only if you eat 5 a day) and 5 min for testing 1x a month is WELL worth NOT having to do the surg again. I still drink adult beverages, eat as I did before and go in to have my blood checked once in 2-3 months (I know, but it is ALWAYS in the...
  6. S

    New here - congenital BAV replacement coming right up

    Jim, I had mine done 4 yrs a nd 9 months ago at 44y/o. I chose ON-X because I'll be DARN if I'm going through that AGAIN. All in all, it wasn't THAT bad but not if I have a choice. The ON-X uses a lower theraputic level of Coumadin. I realize that flesh valves eliminate that issue but they...