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  1. PCFriars

    Post Op - Not sleeping

    Sleeping Sleeping Bob, I have the same problem.... I am 8 weeks post op and am STILL getting a bad nights sleep..... have talked to the doctors and reading on the site and over time it should work itself out......good luck..... Tim:(
  2. PCFriars

    James out of surgery

    Yeah Yeah James, Way to go ..... It will only get better from here. Get moving as soon as you can......
  3. PCFriars

    Going in Tuesday AVR

    Good Luck Good Luck James - Bob, Best of luck keep your chin up, don't be worried your family and friends will be on your side. Goood luck keep us all up to date and hope to read all about it soon. Tim
  4. PCFriars

    Just me ?

    Hello everyone...not sure what I would do without this help. It has been 6 weeks and 4 days since surgery and my sternum is more painfull the last week than it was weeks ago. I would have thought that I would be feeling better by now but I guess not. Has anyone had a similar experience ...
  5. PCFriars

    Medical ID bracelets

    Rubber Med ID Rubber Med ID I found this site they will do custom ID's --- ordered some for the beach don't have them yet still too cold anyway...... good luck
  6. PCFriars

    First Post Op Visit

    Things are looking up ! Things are looking up ! Cardio followup today will be 5 weeks post op Christmas Eve......everything is great off to rehab and can go back to work when I feel like it......... think I will wait until after the holidays still get pretty tired by the end of the day. Happy...
  7. PCFriars

    First Post Op Visit

    Had first post op appt. yesterday received the OK to drive -- 4 weeks post op tomorrow. I guess that is good news ! Looks like 1/04/10 is a target date to return to work. See the cardio next week not sure if he will send me to rehab ? anyone have any thoughts on rehab ? Sleeping is getting...
  8. PCFriars

    A little advice

    Thanks for all the advice I guess I will slow down a bit.... just hard to do but I am learning the hard way....... This kills me to say it but I think my wife was right on this one.......... Thanks again.....
  9. PCFriars

    A little advice

    I'm new to this and was wondering if someone could give me some advice. Had a new Mechanical Aortic valve replacement 3 weeks post-op. Had no idea I had this issue was walking down the street and passed out good thing the fire dept. got there quick. This has been an overwhelming 5 weeks. I...