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  1. D

    5 weeks; 5 steps forward and 2 back

    Started back to work 8 weeks post op and made it through the work week fine. The heart monitor I was on for 30 days recorded one short incident of Afib, so during that time I started taking Multaq to control it. The cardiologist said that I may be able to come off it in a couple of months...
  2. D

    5 weeks; 5 steps forward and 2 back

    Thanks for getting back. The fluid build up was a surprise. I started caughing and I think not being able to bring air in pushed me over the edge and I blacked out. My current meds are the same as before surgery, except I take diovan 80 instead of diovan/htc 160/6.25. I will contiue with not...
  3. D

    5 weeks; 5 steps forward and 2 back

    I has been five weeks since my Robotic MV repair by Dr. Roberts at Holy Cross in Ft. Lauderdale (2 hour drive from where I live). 10 days post op I passed out in my lounger at home and my wife could not wake me. I woke up just before the rescue arrived and took the ride to the Emergency Room...
  4. D

    Post Op Less Invasive Mitral Valve Repair

    Thanks for the responses. This forum has been very helpful to me. DWC
  5. D

    Post Op Less Invasive Mitral Valve Repair

    My surgical consult is in a week, but from what I understand from my cardiologist it would be Right Thoractomy.
  6. D

    Post Op Less Invasive Mitral Valve Repair

    I'm heading for MV repair and would appreciate post op feedback from anyone who has had the Less Invasive surgery. Pain, time off work, range of movement, and any home prep before surgery are some of the areas I'm wondering about. DWC