Recent content by Andy3560

Valve Replacement Forums

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    Achey arms

    Has anyone else experienced aching in their arms either as a side effect of Sotalol or is it just part of the sternum general healing process. The aching is isolated to my forearms only and has only started in the last two weeks. Maybe I just need to relax and ride these things out but would...
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    Recovery process

    Am I being overly optimistic that 6 mths is a long time and I should be feeling relatively back to 'normal'?
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    I tried getting in contact with my cardiologist which was a non starter as I think things differ in the UK as I have to be referred by my GP (local Dr) which is a pain in the behind. Got my Dr's appointment today so hopefully this will move things in the right direction. Just an aside, does...
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    I've been on Sotalol for about three to four weeks and it appeared to sort things out but in the last few days I've noticed my heart beating in a very slow rhythm and an irregular one. However it does revert to a normal rhythm eventually. Is it likely that my body has adjusted to the new meds...
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    Irregular heart rate

    Hi there, just joined the forum and was wondering what experience others have had with an irregular heart beat. I had a mechanical valve replaced in Sept 2009 (aged 34) and have since had recurring irregular heart beat which seems to have been settled more recently when being taken off...