I've made the decision.

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2008
east coast
After my bout wth kidney stones, that's not completely over ( i have one more in each kidney), I have made the decision to get OHS to repair or replace my MItral Valve in the Spring..

I met with my cardiologist to follow up on him being present for the kidney stone removal..He wants me to say on the 1/2 reduction to 12.5 of Toprol for another week and then go off of it completely and see him for another EKG..

He said the time delay was extremely long on 25 mg of Toprol and he was concerned the first degree av block could have changed to 2nd degree which is serious..

I told him my feelings about surgery and that I want to have it in the Spring. He agreed with my decision and said I could live with it this way if I wanted as there is no damage being done to the heart but he agreed at my age and activity level, he would suggest surgery as well.

This means I am done thinking about this decision and waiting any longer than the Spring. I feel easily fatigued, my body is working too hard for mild activity and it's depressing me.

If I lived in a warm climate I would have it done even sooner..like tomorrow. I've had it!

He told me to clear up the kidney stones first then get the TEE and see the surgeon. He guessed it would need to be replaced, but that's just a guess.

I do want to get a second opinion on if the surgery could be done with minimally invasive approach or not..Dr Galloway said he would rather not use that approach.

so I am now shopping for surgeons..first choice being in NYC but I will consider traveling if it makes that much difference.

Thanks for all the support here, it's helped move me forward.
Glad to know that you've finally reached the decision of having your valve fixed or replaced in the Spring. Now just spend the time looking & researching for the best surgeon & don't look back. Just focus on what needs to be done & go with it!

Best of luck to you & please stay in touch!
Glas you have decided to go along with the surgery and now you have a little time to research surgeons. You might put "New York Surgeons" in the search box and see what you come up with. I know there are many here who had their surgery in NYC.
Warm climate on the East Coast?
I'm sure just having made the decision will help you cope much better with it all and hopefully having a few extra months up your sleeve will give your body a chance to fully recover from those nasty kidney stones.

Good luck in your hunt for a surgeon.

A : )