How much trouble am I In?!?

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I'm not sure if anyone can give me any more info than I already have...

Diagnosed w/aortic valve regurg in 1992/diagnosed hypothyroid 1992/diagnosed w/coronary artery disease in 2001 via angiogram for R&L ventricle/diagnosed w/lyphedema (arms only)1993/diagnosed w/celiac disease via endoscopy biopsy 2004/have one kidney (donor in 1992 for sister)/not over weight/smoking cessation w/help of chantix/now back on procardia(couldn't afford & no insurance for past year-now have insurance)/Synthroid level (88 to 1) for hypothyroid has been increased because of very recent tests including TSH=high/cholesterol test high as always =back on med for cholesteral.......

Below is a list or recent tests (w/in last 2 weeks):

Echocardiogram =
1. normal left ventricular size w/left ventricular systolic function at the lower limit of normal, estimated at 50% (EF)
2. left ventricular relaxation abnormality or grade 1 diastolic dysfunction
(More regrading tricuspid & mitral=mild)
Left ventricle = There was borderline global hypokinesis. Mitral inflow suggested left ventricular relaxation abnormality or grade 1 diastolic dysfunction.

The echo before this one was 4 years ago as follows:
Interpretation:combined m-mode, 2-dimensional, doppler echo/left ventricle was enlarged/overall resting left ventricular systolic function was normal w/a visual EF of 55%.Regional wall motion abnormalities were not seen/Right ventricle was normal/Both atria were normal/Pericardial effustion was not present/valve appears to be trileaflet/Forward flow velocity across the valve was normal and there appeared to be at least moderate and perhaps severe aortic insufficiency./The jet extended all the way to the left ventricular apex, although the width did not appear to be much more than 50% of the left ventricular outflow tract. However, the dilated appearance of the left ventricle certainly makes one wonder about the severity of this patient's aortic insufficiency. etc etc etc regarding mild/trace mitral & tricuspid insuff/estimate peak pulmonary artery pressure was 25 mmHg.

The cardiologist (regarding echo 1 week ago)told me on a scale of severity from 1-4/I am at a 3.5. He also told me that because of symptoms that it is possible there might be a need for valve replacement w/in the year. (fatigue, short of breath, pain=pain to jaw w/additional pain in abdomen & sometimes pain down mostly right arm into back all w/short of breath & some times squeezing short pains in heart side of chest mostly at rest- all of which does not happen frequently-maybe an average of 2-3 times per month)

I am scheduled for a pulmonary function test tomorrow-the cardio said if that test proves symptoms ,more short of breath & fatigue is caused by lung function then it isn't the heart & surgery won't be w/in the year. I have always been aware that there will be a day when I will need a valve replacement.

I must make you aware of the following: These past two weeks of being ill began with a trip to the emergency room because of being very short of breath-bronchitis & extremely tired out. I was given breathing treatments w/take home albuterol & antibiotic & prednisone. The xrays showing infection in my lungs (who Knows???)....The fatigue had been worsening prior to these past 2 weeks for about 3-4 months. Also, more short of breath during that time - climb only 1 set of stairs - 2 pillows at night for long time....But, symptoms not nearly as pronounced as w/in the last two weeks - And, the last 2 days have been much, much better regarding short of breath - I don't have much energy-become very fatigued by early afternoon - but still might be recovering from the bronchitis.

Please excuse the length of this post - I am going to finish up by listing results from other tests w/in the last 2 weeks & some of the coronary report from 2001:

Coronary angiography (2001) demonstrated a right dominant coronary system with mild focal disease. The RCA appeared normal. The LMCA was normal and there was 25% narrowing of the ostia of the LAD and LCx. There was a 40-50% stenosis of the ostium of D1; the remainder of the LAD system had no sifnicant disease. The LCx similarly did not show any other irregulatities. (of course this angiogram did show "Moderate aortic insufficiency")

Tests w/in last 2 weeks (right side will include normal numbers):
Glucose=136 mg/dL High <70-100>
Creatinine=1.3 High <0.4-1.0> (creatinine has been 1.1 for many years)
GFR 44.3 Low <60.0-1000.0>
Anion Gap 19 Meq/L High <9-18>
....All remaining metabolic were normal

Urine - all UA normal

TSH = 5.86 ulu/ml High <0.49-4.67> (TSH had been ok for many years - @ 88 now raised to 1 Synthroid-will gie me more energy I hope)
WBC 12.7 K/uL High <4.0-11.0>
RBC 5.29 M/uL High <3.90-5.20>
HCT 46.2 % High <36.0-46.0>
GRAN# 10.5 K/uL High <2.0-7.8>
All remain on CBC w/Diff were normal

Bone Density=borderline on osteopenia for hip region only-The Celiac disease can deplete bone density - have prescription now for Crestor...

On aldactone (since 1992), Synthroid since 1992, take Vitamin E, C, Calcium w/D since 1992.

Again my apoligies for such length with my info -
and again, I don't know if anyone can give me advice/knowledge more than I am already aware - I certainly would appreciate some input on your experiences, what you think is possible -etc, etc etc.....

Thank you for reading this at the very least.
I am not seeing specific valve values in your last echo. I see where the cardiologist is estimating the insufficiency, but where is he getting those numbers?
Many lung diseases can present with the shortness of breath and fatigue issues you are experiencing. After your pulmonary function test (I've had one too) you should be able to narrow what possible conditions you may be dealing with.
If your previous echo was four years ago, it's hard to know what to predict. If you had several to refer back to, you might be able to detect a trend, since data from echos isn't always the most precise.
I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but please post again after your pulmonary function test and tell us what the results are.:)
more info forgot to mention....

more info forgot to mention....

My new cardiologist this past week also mentioned that the EF now @50% & the comparison w/previous echo's ejection fraction (EF) numbers & the % of blockage w/the 2001 coronary artery disease report would also be influential in his decision regarding valve replacement w/in the year.....

This is the third time since 1993 that I have gone through major evaluation testing & the unknown while waiting & waiting for the ultimate decisions- The anxiety alone is difficult....I have a lot of empathy & sympathy for all those on this site who have gone through this & much much more...

I cannot respond to all your numbers. But I did noticed that you only have one kidney due to being a kidney donor. I also gave a kidney to my brother many years ago. I have never had any problems with having only one kidney and it was not a problem for my OHS.
I can imagine how frustrating it must be to always be left with no definite answer. I will keep you in my prayers.
Debbie, sorry to read of your problems and like Mary, I hope the pulmonary test will give some definite answers and provide you with a course of action. Please stay with us and let us lend as much support as we can.
Mary- don't know if this is what you mean.....

Mary- don't know if this is what you mean.....

Specific valve info from latest echo:
Pericardium/Pleural: The pericardium was within normal without eveidence of pericardial effusion or pericardial thickening. There was no evidence of pleural effusion.

MMode/2D Measurements & Calculations:
RVDd: 2.5 cm LVIDd: 5.0 cm FS: % Ao root diam:3.4 cm
IVSd: 1.0cm LVIDs: 3.7cm EDV(Teich):118ml Ao root area:cm2
LVPWd:0.9 cm ESV(Teich):58ml LA diamension: 2.8 cm
EF(Teich): 51%
LA/Ao: 0.8 LVLd ap4: 7.6 cm SV (MOD-sp4): ml
LVOT diam: 2.1 cm EDV (MOD-sp4): 103 ml
LVOT area: 3.46 cm2 LVLs ap4: 6.8 cm
ESV (MOD-sp4): 45 ml
EF (MOD-sp4): 56%

Doppler Measurements & Calculations:
MV E max vel: 0.4 cm/sec MV P1/2t max vel: 0.4 cm/sec
Ao V2 mean: 1.3 cm/sec
LV mean PG: 0.7 mmHg
MV A max vel: 0.6 cm/sec MV P1/2t: 51 msec Ao mean PG: 3 mmHg
LV V1 mean: 1 cm/sec
MV E/A: 0.6 MVA(P1/2t): 4.31 cm Ao V2 VT1: 23.1 cm
LV V1 VT1: 14.3 cm
MV dec slope: 254 cm/sec2 AVA(1,D):2.14 cm2
SV(LVOT): ml PA V2 mean: 0.6 cm/sec TR max vel:cm/sec
PA mean PG: 1 mmHg TR max PG: mmHg

Right ventricle=normal in size, thickness, and sysolic function
atria: left atrium normal in size/right atrium normal in size/no color doppler evidence of atrial septal defect
mitral valve: shows evidence of trace mitral regurgitation/no evidence of mitral valve prolapse or vegetation
Tricuspid: shows eveidence of mild tricuspid regurgitation w/estimated right ventricular systolic pressure of 35-40 mmHg.
Aortic Valve: seems to be bicuspid and sclerotic/at least moderate valve insufficiency
Great Vessels: aortic root was normal in size and measures 2.9 cm in diameter

Sorry - more info - I do not understand the above info -

Those were what I meant.

The report says that your aortic valve is sclerotic, with moderate valve insufficiency. It seems to me that it is deteriorating, but it is still moderate.

The tricuspid valve has moderate right ventricular pressure, and that might be a cause of your shortness of breath.

I don't think a surgeon will recommend surgery at this point; at least without doing more testing to confirm #'s.
I would venture a guess and say your cardio might ask you to undergo a right/left cardiac catheterization as the next step if the pulmonary function test fails to show anything.
thank you all for your responses...

thank you all for your responses...

I will let you know of the outcome of the PFT test tomorrow....

Hi Debbie -

I don't have any answers/suggestions for you except--in case you didn't know--thyroid supplements, at too high of a dose, can rob your bones of calcium and can increase heart stress and palpitations. My doctor keeps me at the lowest possible dose of Synthroid so my thyroid is still a bit on the sluggish side, because of those two issues I listed, calcium and cardiac issues. I've also read that it's important to take Synthroid and not the generic levothyroxine (sp?). Hope this info is helpful.

Also hoping your test tomorrow gives you better news. Take care.
report from pulmonary function test today...

report from pulmonary function test today...

I did the PFT test today & saw the Pulmonologist Dr after/he said the lungs are ok - mild emphesema...So, according to what the cardio told me last week- if it isn't the lungs - it's the heart causing short of breath, fatigue, & those pains (squeezing short lasting on heart side of chest, jaw pain w/upper abdomen w/short of breath-last incident lasted about 10 min's-have had several times coming up esophagus to jaws=very painful- none of the afore mentioned happens frequently - average 1-2 times per mth). And, another glucose test has proven diabetes- no medication needed- he just said don't eat sweets - I have no idea where the diabetes comes from-none in my family- maybe age??? I am 61 yrs old...

I wish this whole thing would be over - I know you all understand...



Last week when the cardio stated that if it isn't the lungs- it's the heart & the possibility of valve replacement w/in the year- he mentioned some type of infusion stress test??? I had a thalium injection test in 2001 but proved false positive after a angiogram was performed(R&L ventricle)...Anyway I asked the cardio if that is what he meant & he said no - what type of infustion tests are there & what do they look at & help how?

Thank you
Sorry no info, just wanted to wish you the best of luck, hope you get the answers your looking for, take care.