Update On tenndon.

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I saw Don today around 2:00 with his wife in the ICU. He is having some little issues that are keep him in the ICU, But Don is in good spirits. We talked, prayed, read our Bible (Psalms 23), and he was even cutting up with his nurse. He hopes to be out of the ICU and in his own room tomarrow, and coming home on Tuseday. What a great joy to see God at work. Don is a truly blessed man!!!!
Good news ... thank you for sharing your visit with Tenndon with us :).

Thoughts/prayers for a continued successful recovery!

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Tell me what you see" ... Bob Carlisle ... 'Getting Stronger'
IT IS so good of you to visit and share your blessings. I spent many nights visiting the chapel just down the hall from my mother's room - reading the 23rd Psalm. It was a huge bible and always opened to 23rd Psalm. Even the pages had yellowed from use. Such a comfort, no matter what the situation.

Give our prayers to Don. Blessins...........
Thanks for the post, Bob. Hope his recovery in uneventful and he is in the step down unit tomorrow and home on Tuesday. I'm sure your visit was much appreciated!
Sending prayers. I'm hoping he's made it to the stepdown until by now.
Thanks for posting. Please give him my best and tell him prayers and warm thoughts are on their way for his speedy recovery.

Don Has Not Left The ICU

Don Has Not Left The ICU

I call today around 12:30 and found out Don has not got out of the ICU. I've tried get in touch with is wife with not luck. I'll post more as soon as I can. Keep up the praying!!! Don need all we can give.
Sending prayers his way- hope you can get in touch with his wife soon. Thanks for posting.
Well, I'm not happy to read that! Let's hope it's just some little fluky thing they are being extra cautious about. Keeping the prayers going. Thanks so much for keeping us posted.
Bless your heart for visiting with Don, Robert.
Please keep us posted on how he's progressing.
I will certainly keep him in my prayers.