1st Post: Countdown to Surgery

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Greetings all. This is my first post. I just spent some time reading and discovering what a great website this is. My aortic valve replacement surgery - and likely right coronary by-pass surgery is scheduled for Monday, December 11th in Long Beach, CA at 7:30 a.m. Pacific time. Needless to say, I anxious - but looking forward to feeling better after the operation.

I'll share the results upon my return home next weekend. Thanks!

Oh, my gosh, Michael!

Oh, my gosh, Michael!

Welcome to the group, but you sure waited till the last minute to speak up! :D Rest assured that by the time you hit you hit the OR later this morning, you will have many, many vr.commers praying for you besides me. We have lots of early birds.

Take care and we will be looking for that first thumb's up post from home bragging about being on the other side of the mountain. Hugs. J.
Good luck Michael, I will be praying for a smooth surgery and speedy recovery. Please let us know how you are when you get home.

Soon over...

Soon over...

God-Speed...soon you will be a new person and we shall be waiting to hear. Had mine on November 15 and it's been smooth sailing all the way. You will too. Good luck.
Welcome, Michael. I put you on the calendar for today and we look forward to hearing all good results. Godspeed!
Welcome to the community, Michael. Best wishes for a smooth surgery and recovery. I'm looking forward to hearing your update from the other side of the mountain.
Michael - Welcome and wish we could have gotten to know you a little better before your surgery. Will be waiting your posts after surgery. Godspeed!!
Michael, Best of luck to you. We will be looking forward to hearing from you and your speedy recovery. You are in my prayers.

*Hi Michael......

*Hi Michael......

*Hi Michael, Welcome to this wonderful 'family'. Best Wishes for a smooth surgery and easy and uneventful recovery. Keep us posted as to how your doing !!! Look forward to hearing you are recovering well. Thoughts and prayers coming to you....8)
Welcome Michael...

I guess you are all wired-up and recovering in hospital after the big event today...

I look forward to hearing how well you did after you get home...

My "heartfelt" thanks to all - - my surgeries were successful and today, I'm well on the road to recovery. I was amazed at how quickly I was able to get back on my feet and begin the process of getting better. Thankfully, I have a great support network around me and there is absolutely no time for thoughts other than positive ones. When the body and the mind work together, coupled with a few other special ingredients, there's no end to the possibilities. Of course, I feel sore, but nothing like I imagined. This is simply incredible.

I now look forward to reading, learning and sharing recovery experiences. I'm happy to have found this forum.

Michael ;)
Congrats Michael!!:D :D Welcome home, I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well. Take it easy, don't over do, and keep us up to date on your progress.

Wonderful, Michael, welcome back! Best wishes for a continued uneventful recovery.
Michael! Welcome back!!

So good to hear you are back and doing well. Any details? Type of valve, # of bypasses, any good advice for those who follow behind you? :)

All my best,

Congratulations, Michael ... good to see that you are back home and doing well.

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