Post Op Recovery

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Aussie Chris

Well-known member
Oct 9, 2006
Sunshine Coast, Qld , Australia
Released from Hospital Day 5.

It is now Day 8 since the surgery. Whilst each day has brought little steps forward like being able to take my own shirt off, or just lie down in bed un assisted it comes as a bit of a shock when you get a really washed out day.
Today all I have felt like doing is just sleeping. Not complaining though. It's great to have an excuse to sleep this much. I just feel sorry for my wife who is now having to pick up more slack.

Some of you asked about my surgery. Not sure what you wanted to know, so will give you a brief account.

Went in 7am out 10.30am
Came off respirator 7pm. They had difficulty stabilising my drug levels as the fluids they put in me were just going straight through. My poor wife had a very worring 8 hour wait after surgery had finished.

When I finally came to and was told that the repair was sucessfull, even in my groggy state, my elation could not be hidden.

As far as I know they installed a 38mm ring and gave both the flaps a face lift. Not much else to report that I know of. I will probably learn more on the next visit to surgeon in 5 weeks.

If I haven't answered something please ask again. The brain is still not 100% yet.


Hi sound fabulous...this little Aussi was still in hossy @ day 8 post-op and couldnt even walk, so by my standards you are doing splendidly :D .

Its great that you got the repair you were hoping its all up to you to rest , walk and breathe. Are you working out on your little breathing machine thingy?...I hated mine cos I couldnt get 3 balls up til 3 months post op. I bet you blokes can do better than that!

Now rest-up cos you are still full of drugs and they take awhile to find their way out of your system. I too slept so well in the early weeks after surgery , enjoy it while it lasts.
It sounds like you are doing great Chirs. It took Dick a long time to come off the respirator too. He was in CCU at 1 PM and didn't come off until the middle of the night. They claimed it was because this was the first time he was ever operated on and just didn't want to wake up. He's always been a pretty good sleeper!:D You will have a real down day now and then- just listen to your body and don't over do. Take advantage of all the TLC- we wives are pretty resilient and will make up for it later!;)
Congrats Chris! Sounds like you are doing beautifully. I sure wish I could have slept following surgery. I remember sitting on the edge of my hospital bed wide awake night after night. Still don't sleep like I used to. Glad you do. :D Like the others said, enjoy the pampering, use your breathing apparatus! Isn't this side of the mountain glorious? It is so worth the trip over!
Congratulations! You did it!! Well done!

Personally, I loved sleeping. It took away any time to be frustrated, or in pain, or antsy....just sleep! It is great that you can, many cannot.

You sound wonderful and like everything is going according to normal and customary recovery! Keep up the great work.

:D Marguerite
You're doing great Chris. That putting on of one's own shirt is a feat in itself, isn't it? This is the stage where you are going to feel so much better each day, I'm almost 5 weeks out, and I can still sleep 12 hours at night and catch a nap later on. Make sure you get your post-op blood tests in a week or so, since mine showed I'm anemic, and I don't think my iron pills have caught up with me yet:) .

Your chest is probably a little numb yet, but once you're moving around some, it is the weirdest sensation. I thought mine must be put back together on an angle until Marguerite said she felt "like she had swallowed a bird cage!" Truer words have never been spoken!!!!!

Just take it easy, and enjoy all the attention. In a couple weeks, you're going to have to keep reminding yourself not to over do.
Glad you're home Chris and surgery was a success. I'm only three weeks out and still get a little frustrated about not being able to do things I used to do. The tiredness does go away a little at a time, but there are days when you think, 'what did I do earlier that made me so tired now'. I haven't figured the answer to that one out yet.
Just rest when you need to and you'll be outside very soon.
That's great that everything turned out the way you wanted. I also remember the elation when I was told that my repair had been successful (albeit more difficult than they had expected). Keep us posted on your convalescence.
congrats Chris....know how you feel.....I am three weeks post surgery and feel so grateful to have all of the worries about what to expect mostly over. I get tired and I rest.....exercise(walk and stretch) light household chores and then I rest again......i have my routine and I relax into that and I find peace and comfort in that routine. Best to you...everyday is a blessing and everyday we feel a bit more like ourselves again. Blessings to you , Sandy