Could you feel your cath?

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I have had 3 cath and felt everyone of them. The last one I had I ask not to be given anything and when they started I got so freaked out they did have to give me something to calm me down. I did feel the dye and felt like I was going to wet myself. Every time I get put under I feel like throwing up when I start to come around and sometimes I do. I don't care if I ever have to have any procedure again. :)
Yes, Ma'am

Yes, Ma'am

I did feel mine too. Doc didn't believe me either. but when i told them they were going from the upper arm to shoulder and chest cavity area he had no choice.
No sedation either.
it was kinda cool, didn't hurt....just real weird feeling.

Trying to remember...I remember being wheeled into the room and how COLD it was..I told them..They were playing music and only all males in there. I said, where are the women?:D I was awake..felt nothing..but, maybe they had given me something before? I remember my Cardio doing it..then next thing I remember was being told by my daughter..that the doctor wants to talk to you...I was back in a room with the pressure thingy on my leg...that's when he told me about my aneurysm and he wanted me to see a surgeon..who was on the way to my room. There he was, the best-looking man..:) He told me..I cannot do it tomorrow but on Monday ( My surgery). I only had the, things went really fast for on Monday..home on Sat..and a great recovery.(don't remember ICU, either)....Later, I googled St. Joseph's in Atlanta. Saw where they have the 5 star Cardio nurses)......They must really know their stuff.:D including the best drugs.:p Bonnie
Well, I have had 3 and.....

Well, I have had 3 and.....

On the first one and the third one, I didn't feel much of anything, but on the second one.....:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: It felt like Dr. Fedele was trying to pull start his lawnmower.....He YANKED the catheter out and let me tell you...I was NOT Happy....:D :mad: :D :eek:


sue943 said:
They shaved your groin? I was told to shave my own 'right groin' before going to the hospital. It did look a bit strange, being lop-sided! :D

Well, only part of it. Let's say I could have worn a very teeny weeny bikini!:rolleyes:

No pressure thingy, my doc just pressed his hand on the wound for 20 minutes and then that was it - except I couldn't move for 6 hours!! Hello bedpan! I was so amazed a major artery and vein could heal up enough to not spring a leak so freakin' fast. Incredible. Of course I did spring a little leak in the cath lab but then the pressure went back on. That was freaky -knowing I was like a waterbed ready to just squirt out all my blood except for just a little pressure on the vessel. Yick!

Oh Yes!

Oh Yes!

My diagnostic cath was the second most unpleasant thing I've been through. Worse than a bus ride from Mexico City to Acapulco, or OHS. They had me lie down stark naked on a plank no wider than my butt, with just a sheet over me. They stuck my right arm through a fabric screen, and proceeded to open a vein and artery. I could see my blood pumping out spraying the docs! They said they wanted me conscious so I could give them feed back. I felt the caths the whole time, and it made me squirm! When they got to my heart I started to go into afib. They had warned me, and did just what they said they would, which was to inject morphine through the cath into my heart. That stopped the afib, and nothing bothered me after that. Thankfully that was a long time ago, and I expect techniques have improved, and that they don't use those ridiculously narrow tables/planks! Brian
The 'plank' is an accurate description for that table! I felt like a cold slab of meat on a butchers block! :eek: The nurse that did my shaving did it so fast it looked like she was using a machete! :mad: When the Dr started I felt LOTS of pressure and then a small amount of pain so I told him I did NOT want to feel anything or know anything so he had them give me some more drugs and all was right with the world again :D until I had to lay for 6 hours on my back! Uggh!:(
I think I was more nervous about the cath than the OHS, I guess because I knew I would be awake for it and wasn't sure how I'd react. However, I didn't really feel a thing during the procedure other than the dye....what a rush! I might have felt a bit of "sensation" (or imagined I did) but not in a painful way. I was preoccupied with watching the monitor which I found quite facinating. Only got a mild sedative. Unfortunately, they did have some trouble stopping the bleeding so they had to apply SIGNIFICANT pressure in the recovery room. I definitely felt that and it was probably the worse pain I felt thoughout this whole OHS experience although it only really hurt at the time the pressure was being applied. Ended up black and blue with a large haematoma for about a month, so did walk with a limp for awhile. Didn't need to take anything for the pain although they did offer.

Yes, I felt all three caths and heard every word the cardiologists said. My last cath in '05 was to investigate if the trial med I had been taking improved my coronary flow. When the adenosine was administered and the results came back, the cardio said, "So her CFR is less."

I knew that that meant not only did the Rx therapy fail, but that the disease had worsened. Afterwards in the recovery lounge, he downplayed the results which then made me lose trust in him.

I think doctors underestimate just how awake the mind is during these procedures.

Love the photo! Hope all is well.

Do women have to shave everything down there before a cath? :D

I remember they had me shave my right side the night before. Then the day of the cath, the Dr. told the nurse to shave the left side just in case while I was laying on the table.

I guess it's cool to keep everything even, don't want to be lopsided :D :D :D
Karlynn said:
Could you feel them doing your cath?


But, I did wake up in the middle of it. Oddest non-feeling. I gazed around TRYING to capture SOMEONE's attention and could NOT. I could hear 'em, but couldn't feel what was happening, tho I knew it wouldn't be good to "stick around" to find out. FINALLY, a nurse happened to look at my face. You shoulda seen the look in her eye when she realized I was AWAKE! He he he....more meds and I was out again ;).

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
chdQB =
"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot where I was" ... Patty Loveless ... 'I Try To Think About Elvis'
I was utterly terrified of the cath - was on ativan for 2 days prior to it ( I hate ativan, but it kept me calmed down) - and was put out completely for it and didn't wake up until I was allowed to get up and roam around. I highly recommend this. I'm really easy to sedate.
Imagine this, the inventor of the heart catherization Dr. Forssmann, first performed the procedure on himself. Nobody volunteered so he laid down on the table and pushed it up though a vein near his elbow into the heart. He got up walked over and took an X-ray to make sure it reached th heart. The he passed out. All this with no anesthesia. :eek: Of course, later he won a Nobel Prize.
I don't remember anything!! I so wanted to watch the cath but the last thing I remember was the nurse shaving me. I supposibly talked to my Cardio but don't remember. I had my TEE that morning and cath right after. Just remember the spray for my TEE. I told them that I was real sensitive to meds so be gentle - Don't remember most of that day, darn it. And no, they only shaved the right side on me.
mtkayak said:
Imagine this, the inventor of the heart catherization Dr. Forssmann, first performed the procedure on himself. Nobody volunteered so he laid down on the table and pushed it up though a vein near his elbow into the heart. He got up walked over and took an X-ray to make sure it reached th heart. The he passed out. All this with no anesthesia. :eek: Of course, later he won a Nobel Prize.

Now that is incredible!!!


Nobody else had them in the arm? I had the heart lung machine hooked up via my groin when I had OHS, but the cath was in my arm. I'm surprised because I am fairly small, and was underweight at the time. Brian
BDMc said:
Nobody else had them in the arm? I had the heart lung machine hooked up via my groin when I had OHS, but the cath was in my arm. I'm surprised because I am fairly small, and was underweight at the time. Brian

Mine was in my right arm.
Very common at CCF to do the cath in the arm when they are performing the pre-op "look-see", and not planning on any potential procedure through the cath proccess.

My last cath was quite a long time ago, but I think I only felt it when it would get stuck and they started jamming it around in there. Wasn't painful, though, just peculiar. I remember being awake for the entire thing but they took my glasses so I wasn't able to follow along on the monitor...
My first cath (in 1980) was in my right arm and the "vein was sacrificed" after, according to the cath report. When you look at my arm, you can only see one prominent vein as opposed to two on my left arm.

Guess that's why they started using the groin. Eventually patients would have run out of arm veins.;) :eek: ;)