Has anyone heard from Deborah from Brazil?

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She was on Sunday Chat maybe 3-4 weeks ago and awaiting the arrival of her visitor on that coming Tuesday (I believe).
That's the last time I talked to her, but since I've missed Chat the last two weeks, perhaps someone else has heard from her.
I hope she posts soon; I'm anxious to hear how the visit went!
bvdr said:
It is wierd but as I sat down at my computer I too was wondering if anyone had heard from Debora. I hope everything is going well for her.

Me too! We were all a little protective at the news of her visitor. I hope she's having a great time.
Funny..I was thinking of her yesterday.. and wondered if she ever made contact with my sister when she was visiting NZ?
Last I heard from Deborah she was definately eagerly awaiting her visitor...
Eloping is a definate possibility here!
Thanks for thinking of me!!!

Thanks for thinking of me!!!

Hi there friends! I'm fine and I had what I can safely describe as the best time of my life in years between August17th and Septemeber11th!! Joe and I got on great and well, the rest's up to your immagination!!LOL!! We went to so may places and did a lot of nice things together! Although he couldn't speak any Portuguese, he was able to communicate well with people and everyone really liked him! We took a lot of photos but since I'm not good at posting them here, I'll ask Ross to do it for me.
Thank you all so much for caring and I'm really sorry I didn't post here before, jut I was awful busy and most of my time was taken up by my special guest! Anyway, I'm back now even though my mind isn't really!!
Changing the subject, I have to go to the cardio's today for an echo, EKG, followed by a consultation. I haven't been to see him since before I went to NZ so I'm a bit aprehensive just now. Please, keep your fingers crossed for me!!!! I'll let you know what he said either this evening or tomorrow as he'll already be able to tell me what the echo result was. He does it himself!! Hope I'm fine though even though my heart's broken!:(