Zzzzzzzzzzzzz, sleep at last....

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2011
Hanford, California
The day has finally arrived, and I am off to see the Wizard of Oz in the morning ( check in is 5 am...WHO in their right mind gets up that early,lol)...May all of you in the waiting room, be blessed with peace of mind...and to the rest...see you on the other side of the mountain ! May Angels watch over not just us, but our troubled world.
Sleep at long last, been up 48 hrs , plus.....I am gonna love being able to finally get a good nights sleep...ZZZZzzzzzzzz !!!!


Go class of 2011 !!!!
AVR w/ a Triple bypass..
Just got back. Remember 1 day @ a time & I swear there is NO consistancy to getting better - it just will be overall better as you look back. Good days bad days days back to square one!
God watch over you & hold you close to him!
Natina - May you have a smooth and easy trip over the mountain. Recovery isn't easy, but it beats the heck out of the alternative. I've had my share of speed bumps, but now at 6 weeks post op, I can feel things getting better by the day (except maybe the insomnia issues. . . ). The first few weeks aren't easy or pleasant, but things definitely improve after that.

Hang in there. We will be here for you when you come out. I'll be watching for your updates, when you can.
Hope you have an smooth surgery and uneventful recovery.
Don't count on much sleep while in the hospital. They always seem to want something from you just as you finally doze off.
We'll look forward to hearing from you as soon as you are able.

Best Wishes.
By the time you read this, you will have gone to sleep, woken up, and said "ouch, where is the tank that hit me?". In any case I hope you are recovering well. Remember, to take it only one minute, then one hour, then one day at a time. Rest, sleep, eat, breath into the spirometer. Then repeat, repeat, repeat. God's blessings are coming your way.

Hoping/praying all is going well for you.

I remember being awakened at precisely 4 ayem every morning in the hospital by a nurse staring me in the face and saying she was going to take my blood sugar. The nurses were cute, so it was okay. : )

Hope you will be getting the sleep/rest you need and will have a smooth recovery.
Hold on did you say a good nights sleep? In the hospital? Is that even possible? Not from my experience, but know this, during surgery into the next day you will be conked out!

Renee your day has arrived, best of luck!
Hope you have an smooth surgery and uneventful recovery.
Don't count on much sleep while in the hospital. They always seem to want something from you just as you finally doze off.
We'll look forward to hearing from you as soon as you are able.

Best Wishes.

I hardly slept at all in the hospital. Regardless, may you have sweet dreams and a painless recovery.
Looking forward to reading your recovery and progress notes.....hope you are resting comfortably...Praying for you......I get to follow you on the 20th. God bless.
