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CA Pigg

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
Wednesday was 8 weeks since surgery. I was feeling good, took a trip to knoxville and then went and saw my mom mothers day weekend in PC and all went well. I was doing pretty good. Tuesday I got a bad headache and felt very pukey. The headache lasted until last night. Today it is just a dull ache but I my energy the last few days has just dropped, I feel so tired and drained and my chest is sore and wha wha, yep I feel so whiny again:(
I went to make an appointment with my pcm on base this morning and couldn't get in thinking maybe my iron is low or something???? I go to see the cardiologist for the first time since surgery on Tuesday the 19th so I will tell him everything and see what he says or go to base and have them do blood tests... Any input?? We are supposed to go to dinner tonight with friends and I just hope I can make my lazy self get decent looking and go...My INR was a little high Monday 4.0 according to her machine and she lowered me 2mg so I am on the 18mg which you suggested last week Ross :D
Thanks for listening as always!!! I hope everyone has a good weekend!!!
Sorry you are feeling yucky Carole. I don't have a good suggestion other than if it doesn't affect your INR too much maybe some iron supplements just in case you became anemic. Hang in there, sometimes it does work out to 2 steps forward then 3 steps back.:)
Sorry to hear you are feeling yucky. You probably over did it as 8 weeks is still not a long time post-op. I know I over did it a few times at that stage. It's so easy to do because you're feeling pretty good. Rest up and the yuckiness will be over soon. It usually takes a few days. As I think back, it seems like for every day I over did it, it took two to recover.
Yucky usually comes right after "over doing it"..... It's okay to spend a day resting to catch up again.
(don't kiss Ross, I hear he rolls around in the mud with questionable farm animals) ;)
Hi Carole,
Sorry to hear you not feeling too good, but it still early days for you, and knowing what i know of you i bet you have been over doing it, just takes things easy for a few days.
Hope you have a great night out.
Take Care
Maybe you just did too much in a short amount of time and didn't get the rest you needed. I would still tell the Dr about it. Keep us posted. Hope ya feel better. Remember.... listen to your body... your friends will be there when you feel better. If you don't feel like going, don't. I am sure they would understand.
Hope you're doing better tonight, Carole. I'm 3 weeks ahead of you and can remember that I was feeling pretty good at your stage, but in retrospect, not nearly as good as I'm doing today. We have to remember that we've been through a really big trauma, and it does take time for our bodies to heal. Wishing you a good and restful weekend. Jane
Thanks all. I did make it to dinner last night and had a good time. This morning back to my tired self but today is my first day back at work. I feel a lost and I know my hubby and son are thinking, you are no help. (we have a car dealership, family owned and hubby and sons work there) But I am trying. I didn't come in until late and I will probably leave early. I am going to have them check all my levels maybe potassium or iron is down because I had so much more energy last week and this week has just been AWFUL. I hate feeling so drained!!!!

Ross no swine flu here but I sure feel like I have the Pigg Pouts, LOL!!!!