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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2002
What a great community this is! I was reminiscing back to its humble roots:

Hey you fitness and exercise junkies...

There are several of us who engage in regular cardio sports - cycling, running, mountain climbing, etc. What are your thoughts on usefulness of a new forum category "Active Lifestyle" or something to that effect?

There's really not a published body of knowledge around exercising with valve disease, guidance on recovery and training, etc. I was thinking it might be useful to have a place where we can ask each other our personal experiences, share articles, whine a little bit and do some occasional shameless boasting about our progress and accomplishments.

Whaddy'all think? If there's interest, maybe we could talk our friend Ross into setting up a forum topic.

This forum must surely be the world's foremost site for anecdotal information about the combined topics of sport and valve disease. The quanitity and quality of informational and moral support provided is terrific, ever more so as new members come on board. Add to that the spirit of community that is evidenced through group events like the VT marathon relay and the Indy half, and you've got to acknowledge this site is truly wonderful. As they say in the infomercial TV adverts - "but wait, there's more!" - some of the posts are highly entertaining as well.

Thank you, Ross, for setting up the seed crystal for this amazing and valuable forum.

Everybody else - take a step back and admire the the great body of knowledge and community you've built through your enthusiastic, compassionate and thoughtful contributions. We've all been around the web and have seen examples of forums on other topics that are full of misinformation, insulting posts, etc. No doubt that Ross has had to quietly excise some nasty stuff along the way, but this forum is nevertheless a shining gem on the WWW.

Keep up the great job, friends!

If it weren't for members such as yourself making suggestions as such, many things can easily go overlooked. While we can't bring everyones ideas to life, we would certainly appreciate suggestions. If enough folks hit on the same areas, there could still be yet another forum for a specific thing such as Active Lifestyles.

It's the members of this site that make it what it is. I like to think we have a top notch crew onboard. No one in the world can give information like those that have been through this surgery, No one! Hank planted a seed, but the members are the water and food for this whole plant. Without you and your participation, it would still be a seed. ;)
Field of Dreams

Field of Dreams

BillCobit said:
What a great community this is! I was reminiscing back to its humble roots:

This forum must surely be the world's foremost site for anecdotal information about the combined topics of sport and valve disease. The quanitity and quality of informational and moral support provided is terrific, ever more so as new members come on board. Add to that the spirit of community that is evidenced through group events like the VT marathon relay and the Indy half, and you've got to acknowledge this site is truly wonderful. As they say in the infomercial TV adverts - "but wait, there's more!" - some of the posts are highly entertaining as well.

Thank you, Ross, for setting up the seed crystal for this amazing and valuable forum.

Everybody else - take a step back and admire the the great body of knowledge and community you've built through your enthusiastic, compassionate and thoughtful contributions. We've all been around the web and have seen examples of forums on other topics that are full of misinformation, insulting posts, etc. No doubt that Ross has had to quietly excise some nasty stuff along the way, but this forum is nevertheless a shining gem on the WWW.

Keep up the great job, friends!


Bill, Russ, Hank ..... those of us that have joined in the last year, we owe much to you. It's wonderful to see so many people from different walks of life participating. I firmly believe that everybody in life is an athlete of some kind whether they know or it or not or whether they want to compete or not. Life is meant to be lived in the Greek model - wellness of body, mind and spirit.

To me, this place has become a bit of "Field of Dreams." Build it and they will come - congenital heart disease is the single largest birth defect and there are a million adults in the U.S. with it. I look forward to playing ball in this ballpark and helping to grow and support this special community as long as you all let me suit up!
Indeed a valuable ...

Indeed a valuable ...

..../ priceless source of information and inspiration.

I will admit to not reviewing the other forums/threads on a regular basis but the thread here is usually my first port of call to see what achievements other people are doing / training for / competing in and it never ceases to amaze me what the members of our community are capable of doing.

The depth of knowledge is also pretty specific and detailed - although as many have said, always needs to be reviewed critically given that it is based on text based information. Nonetheless the information / response is usually derived from a members personal experience and that always has at least as much relevance as a medical professional telling you what theoretically should be the case.

I for one am extremely glad this thread (and site) was set up and it has enabled and inspired me to reclaim my life from a physical aspect - much to the chagrin / envy of the majority of my non BAV associates / friends!!!

Keep those inspirational stories of our collective accomplishments coming because they are indeed a great read.


One Day - We will run in Australia/New Zealand

One Day - We will run in Australia/New Zealand

Arpy said:
..../ priceless source of information and inspiration.

I will admit to not reviewing the other forums/threads on a regular basis but the thread here is usually my first port of call to see what achievements other people are doing / training for / competing in and it never ceases to amaze me what the members of our community are capable of doing.

The depth of knowledge is also pretty specific and detailed - although as many have said, always needs to be reviewed critically given that it is based on text based information. Nonetheless the information / response is usually derived from a members personal experience and that always has at least as much relevance as a medical professional telling you what theoretically should be the case.

I for one am extremely glad this thread (and site) was set up and it has enabled and inspired me to reclaim my life from a physical aspect - much to the chagrin / envy of the majority of my non BAV associates / friends!!!

Keep those inspirational stories of our collective accomplishments coming because they are indeed a great read.



Just back from my cruise where one of the fitness trainers was from N.Z. I told my wife that there would come a day when we would be in Australia/N.Z. to hook up with other athletes for an event! Mark