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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
So, today was my first cardiologist visit since the surgery. At the time that she suggested surgery i right away got on the internet and picked the surgeon that I wanted, maybe I forgot to keep her in the loop, but I was sure she had my records.(Hence her calling me for the appointment). Well anyway, she looked at my scar and said "Oh, you've had surgery?". If my sister in law was not in the room I would have thought I was in the "Twilight Zone". Anyway, I reminded her that she told me to get a surgeon and I did. Then she said "Well have you seen the pulmonary doctor like I told you?. I asked her at what point during or after my 3 weeks out of the operation should I have done that, since I can't walk and don't drive. Then I could not help my New Yorker ways and asked her what was more important, COPD or an aortic aneurysm starting to dissect? She then asked me to get my operation records and she want's me to wear a holter to be sure, "of what? I asked answer.
Guess what I'm changing? Clueless cardiologist scare me, plus I have shoes older than her...
I had a similar experience with my former PCP...I saw him about 1.5 weeks post op to check my coumadin. So I saw him that first week, went back the next and then when I went back the third time, I made some comment about my surgery, he asked "What surgery"? I was like "are you kidding"? What do you think I'm taking the coumadin for? Needless to say, that was the last time I went to him.

That's as bad as one that saw me and when I read the records, he said I had early male pattern baldness. I'm in no way bald nor showing any signs of it. I can't help but think the record is for someone else, but with my name on it.
Prior to my second OHS, I was having symptoms (mostly at night) of feeling like my heart would stop and then violently start up again. Initial tests were inconclusive so my cardio's partner came in the examining room and suggested I wear ear plugs to bed - like hearing my heart stop was the only problem. I told my cardio (who I loved) that I would stop coming if his partner ever tried to treat me again and he concurred.

About a month later I was in emergency OHS for a valve that was sticking shut due to scar tissue encroachment.:eek::rolleyes:
I ended up in ER for an unrelated issue, and was discussing my medical history with the doc. Here's the conversation:

Me: I had mitral valve repair surgery in March.
Doc: Oh, was it porcine?
Me: No, I had mitral valve repair.
Doc: Yes, was it porcine?
Me: No, I didn't have the valve replaced. I had my own valve repaired!
Doc: Oh, OK....

That, combined with him not notifying my other doctors (and some other stuff) resulted in a phone call to Patient Relations.

My PCP told me that Coumadin was a dangerous drug and should be avoided??????? I told my Cardio and she laughed and said you are kidding, right? Then referred me to another doctor.
Star 54,

I hope I am not acting weird by being of a different opinion...;)

I am not trying to stop you from shopping for a new cardio, but if you had been with your cardio for a long time and this is the first time you are surprised by her reaction, maybe the balme is on the hospital and/or surgeon's staff who did not forward your records to her; or she has incompetent staff who did not draw her attention to the new documents sent about you.

Probably when she suggested surgery, she wanted you to 'start thinking surgery' and was expecting to see you again to discuss surgeons, plans, etc. that's why she was surprised! Anyhow, if you do not feel at ease with her, it is your choice to shop for a new one; but I won't leave her because she checked on your pulmonary pressure situation more! I feel it's not right to blame and leave doctors because of lack of proper communication!

I fired my cardiologist just before my surgery. My surgeon, while i was at hospital, visited me as my surgeon and as my cardiologist, as he knew I did not have one then. As soon as I found one after surgery, all my records were transferred to him right away. Still my ex-cardio's office sent a message to me at home that he wanted to see me after surgery! I did see him and took the chance to explain to him reasons for not staying with him! He was an honor graduate cardio from Harvard, but unfortunately lack of communication between his staff and him and me caused the break in relationship. It is OK with me as I am very happy with my new cardio.

Just my 2 cents thoughts!
I would have been shocked as well. I had a similar situation with my old cardio, except no surgery yet. It was about evaluating my echos and he wanted to see me back in one year (this was June '09) until I reminded him to compare my prior echo. Then he quickly changed his mind and said come back in 3 months. The best part is I have a new cardio now he ordered a cath to be sure the valve area was correct. Now my valve area has reduced by 30% since June and I am scheduling surgery - my appointment with the old cardio would not have been until next month.

We need to watch out for ourselves - some of the docs are very overloaded and can't do it all.

Hope you find a good one.
<snip> I feel it's not right to blame and leave doctors because of lack of proper communication!

Star 54,

I fired my cardiologist just before my surgery. My surgeon, while i was at hospital, visited me as my surgeon and as my cardiologist, as he knew I did not have one then. As soon as I found one after surgery, all my records were transferred to him right away. Still my ex-cardio's office sent a message to me at home that he wanted to see me after surgery! I did see him and took the chance to explain to him reasons for not staying with him! He was an honor graduate cardio from Harvard, but unfortunately lack of communication between his staff and him and me caused the break in relationship. It is OK with me as I am very happy with my new cardio.

Just my 2 cents thoughts!

I think a lot like you. I agree with your comment to second think about leaving a doctor because of one instance of poor communication. It was a bad blunder, without question, but if all else has been fine, I would give it a lot of thought before running off.

I also congratulate for following up with your cardio after your surgery just to explain why you were leaving his practice.

I am so curious.... what was his reaction? Did he respond appropriately.

I am sorry if you think this too invasive a question and understand if you don't wish to respond.

Thank you.
Thanks for all of your comments, but I am going to see my surgeon next week at which time I will get a recommendation for a cardiologist and a pulmonary doctor affiliated with Mt. Sinai hospital. It is what is best for me. I only posted some of the conversation with the doctor, it was the 3rd time I had seen her, and I had the same feeling, like she was an intern.,the prior visits. I did not choose her, I was recommended to another in her group who was too busy to take my case,and gave me her. Nothing against her, but it is my new life and I want all my doctors to be in the same place and wavelength. Thanks again for listening to me vent, even though I may not agree, you are all just like family...:), and this forum has helped me through so much......
Thanks, Linda, and very best wishes. Hopefully, your surgeon will head you to the best cardiologist for you. He does have a 'vested interest' in your future good health. I have to believe they want us all to have the best possible futures after benefitting from their fine work.

You are doing the right thing. Joe lived as long as he did because neither of us would put up with doctors who weren't very good, made ridiculous and muddle-headed decisions and especially ones who never read his chart, even though it was like "War and Peace".

It is your life, and if someone cannot be bothered to at least do their job, who needs them??

As the old saying goes, "Keep them as a friend", or maybe not.

Good luck with a new cardiologist.

I am so curious.... what was his reaction? Did he respond appropriately.

He was appropriate in his behavior (on the outside) and made an effort to draw my attention that all his staff were changed, in case I did not notice!! (which I did notice, but I already had started seeing the newer one). What I appreciate in my new cardio is that he carefully listens to other than heart-related issues I feel/discuss with him at the time of seeing him, whether it is thyroid related or general health!

I did not not mind you asking the question. I would have been curious too!

Thanks for all of your comments, but I am going to see my surgeon next week at which time I will get a recommendation for a cardiologist and a pulmonary doctor affiliated with Mt. Sinai hospital. It is what is best for me. I only posted some of the conversation with the doctor, it was the 3rd time I had seen her, and I had the same feeling, like she was an intern.,the prior visits. I did not choose her, I was recommended to another in her group who was too busy to take my case,and gave me her. Nothing against her, but it is my new life and I want all my doctors to be in the same place and wavelength. Thanks again for listening to me vent, even though I may not agree, you are all just like family...:), and this forum has helped me through so much......

Linda, It is very wise to see a cardio and other doctors affiliated with your surgeon/Mt. Sinai hospital. They can all have your records and it will be easier to follow up with them.

Good luck and keep us posted.:)
Not really geebee. I was joking. However, I will share these stories of stupid doctor's with my PCP and cardio. Especially my cardiologist who thinks he can walk on water if the waves aren't too high (lucky for him I always take him with a grain of salt)

Are you saying that there might be a wave that he can't walk on? Mines a Scuba Diver and thinks he's Neptune. :D