Yoga Questions

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Laura R

Well-known member
Sep 1, 2008
Can you please help me with a couple of questions?
I'll be going back to yoga class for the first time since my Sept. 24, 2008 double valve replacement surgery and I'm concerned about positions (like downward dog) that put your head in a lower position than your heart: (1) Will it put too much pressure on my heart, since it feels like my neck blood vessels get filled when my head is lower than my heart?, and (2) Could the threads used to sew in the valves get loosened by my being upside down?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Laura,
I started back to yoga about 5 months after surgery... to answer your questions, no and no! Your teacher should know what he/she is doing and not have you pop right up after being upside down for a good length of time and have you rise slowly. During sun salutations there is more up and down, but you should be doing a reverse swan dive anyways that will bring you up gradually. (whether you have a valve(s) or not) I've never even thought about the threads in my valve! But I'd still say the answer is no. Yoga is a great thing to do! Enjoy.

*wanted to add, if you do still have concerns, just let your teacher know so she can accommodate them.
I want to take yoga, but my doctors nurse told me to watch some of the head down things. My rehab nurses said the same thing, just bending down weeding or doing something I can tell it just feels strange like you said neck swelling up. I have to sit down to do anything like brush the cat or anything where I have to have my head down. Good question!
Thank you both for answering! :) I appreciate your advice and words of encouragement! (I don't seem to be able to get posts through email, so this is the only way I know to answer). I will tell my yoga instructor, and also try to get an answer from my cardiologist on this. Tomorrow's the first class since my surgery!
Thanks again.
Most cardiologists love yoga for their patients because of its multiple benefits. Laura, you're far enough along post-surgery that you should be fine. I'm three months post and have started some "Yin" yoga at home (mostly slow stretching positions). Eventually I'll get back into a regular routine, but you should be okay to start. Letting your instructor know what your restrictions are, and keeping your cardio informed are both important, too--so be sure to ask questions whenever they occur to you.
go slow with the flow, dont force anything and focus on the breathing, then nothing should happen!

Im back into Yoga since app 6 month post surgery.

Thank you Big Owl and ar bee,
I've now gone to two classes (the next one is tomorrow), and everything went fine. It felt really good to be getting back into it.
Thank you for your help, and especially for caring enough to answer.


I once asked my surgeon if I needed to worry about physical activities loosening the stitches which held my aortic valve in place. He made it very clear that I didn't need to worry about my valve coming loose. I suspect your surgeon did a pretty good job with his stitch work too.

I'm not a yoga guy but.....

I'm not a yoga guy but.....

...I have never heard of head down restrictions after making it several weeks beyond surgery. I lift weights, do planks, upside down (almost) pushups and various stretching routines with my head lower than the rest of my body. Never had any problem and was never told by my cardio to avoid movements or exercises with my head down. Check with your doc to be sure, obviously, but I can't imagine why that position would create problems this late in the recovery process.