Yoga for runners

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Thanks for the link Halley. I've been struggling to remain pain free in my lower back since lumbar surgery 10 mths ago. The PT I went through has given me some new exercises for my core strength and leg and trunk flexibility, which have helped. The article is very on target in my opinion and it applies to cycling as well as running (I noticed a link to an article about Yoga for cyclists). I'm seriously considering yoga for both the physical and mental benefits.
That's great, Jeff. I think you will find that the benefits of yoga cross over into all other areas of your life, including whatever sport you are into. When I was running I would do yoga before and after my runs. I found that in addition to the physical benefits, it helped with my stamina, b/c of being able to stay focused and keep my breathing even; all of this I attributed to yoga. I go to physical therapy, too, for my lower back issues. It helps but found the biggest improvement when I incorporated yoga into the exercises I was given at rehab. Good luck with your lower back issues; I hope you do give yoga a try.