Wow..that was some ride!..(update inside)

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2006
and the fun isn't over yet!!
I went to the ER onSunday..Not Saturday as suggested..(my bad)
By the time I got there I was so sick they took me straight in.. no waiting room for me:)

With in 2 hours we knew the problem..Pericardial Effusion SEVERE:eek:

they told my dh that they would admit me as soon as there was a room available and in the moring (monday) they would do a cath and test the pressures and remove the fluid. So I sent him home (by now it was about 5pm)

10min later they came running in my room and said that they were taking me then b/c it was too severe too wait and they had called the whole team in to take care of it. Of course I couldn't reach dh..he was off I went alone:eek:
Well they removed the equivalent of 3 coke cans of clear fluid..apparently my heart was so compramised that I would not have made it till monday:(
They took another Echo in the morning and i still have a moderate effusion.

I was severely bp was 70/40 and my heart rate was about 125.. I was very very sick

Oh and the pain and discomfort in my diaphram was b/c there was so much fluid around my heart that It pushed my liver into my belly ..and I had (still have) too much fluid in my belly. and it was all pressure from the liver.

I was pretty unstable until last night (Tuesday) and theylet me home today!!:)
There is no place like HOME!!!

Things are a bit unsure right now.. my surgeon from the MVR is in Baltimore MD.. and my cardiologist and the hosptial I went to is in Hershey PA about 1-1/2 hours apart.
So Hershey won't follow me until MD discharges me.. which would have been today..but I was still in the hospital.
So if the effusion does come back..I will need to have surgery to perform a Cardiac window to allow the fluid out.
But that won't happen;) cuz I am praying HARD!

I know people go to Hershey PA for the great amusement rides..but that is one ride I dont ever care to be on again:D

thanks for your thoughts/prayers and concerns.. I am exhausted and this took me about 30min to type.. I will catch up later..praying for all of you

WOW!! That WAS one heck of a ride!!! Glad you're back home and feeling a bit better.....better to be safe than sorry. Will put you in my VR prayers.

WOAH! I hope it all slows down now and you feel like you're riding the teacups! ;)
Marky!! So good to hear from you. We had all been wondering what had happened since your initial post letting us know you weren't feeling the best. Will be thinking of you and praying that everything settles down from here - *hugs*
marky said:
.But that won't happen;) cuz I am praying HARD!

Well -- you'll have a LOT of help! Probably from around the globe. Whatdoyouthinkofdat?
I'm helping with the worldwideprayers too ...

Gees , we cant have you going through that again...

take care and God Bless
Oh Marky, I can't believe they took three soda cans worth of fluid out of your pericardium!! I hope that you will have no more problems with that as I am sure the idea of surgery seems absolutely dreadful. Hang in there girl! We will pray foryou too!
Will Ya...

Will Ya...

Listen to brother Ross! So glad you are through that ride! Hope you have a speedy recovery! Brian
Hope things are better today. This sucks and shouldn't happen to anyone. So sorry. Prayers still coming. here is the good news..

since I came home in 2 days I have lost 3 lbs, My energy is coming back, my appetite is most certainly back, and my bp seems stable. PTL!

I see the surgeon in 5 days..and am hoping for a WONDERFUL report...
gotta keep this fluid coming off!

Altho they did tell me that the pericardial effusion that is left will take up to 6mo or more to completely absorb.
Thanks all!
So sorry

So sorry

I really am so sorry you are having such a tough time. You are a fighter and I know you will come through this. May have to postpone swimming for a while, though. I am hoping you and your family have an ejoyable and uneventful Father's Day. You have been really sick but your husband has been through the mill too.
You are wished smoooooth sailing from here on in. We are OHS sisters in my mind since the same man held our hearts in his hands and put us back together. Please take care.