Working out at the Gym with a mechanical valve

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Robt Z

What is the "word" on lifting weights, treadmill, gym machines, yoga and the like. Is it ok to do whatever you wish as long as you are in good shape? I think I heard some prohibition on weight lifting but I believe one cardiologist said once to do anything is ok....?
Hey Robert,
I was told by my Cardiologist that I could work out but no weight lifting. Everything else was fine. He told me not to lift weights because of the Aortic Aneurysm Repair. I have been doing a lot of walking and going to the event center to use the treadmill, bikes, etc. I hope everything is going good for you.
Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
avoid weightlifting for a time?

avoid weightlifting for a time?

Dave, I wonder if that advice was to allow healing time. My surgery was 2 and one half years ago. I wonder if that advice is for ever or just some time. rz
Perhaps we do need a separate forum for this fitness type information.

Someone somewhere explained to me that it was the extreme pressures that build up and stress the blood vessels and valves and heart that is the problem, and the pressures build up because you hold your breath to lift. Ergo, if you can breathe while you lift, then lifting is all right. That does tend to limit how much you can lift. But this is all subject to correction by someone who knows what they're talking about..
lifting weights

lifting weights

Hey Robert,

I?ve been lifting weights three days a week for about 2 1/2 years... with my cardio?s approval. I had my mitral valve replaced 4-6-00. I don?t lift very heavy ones! The heaviest one I do is the lap pull down and its only 70lbs.

My cardio didn?t approve the weights right away (healing time) and he did put a max on how much weight I could lift.... I?m not sure if he still cares how much I lift or not..... ?? And I wonder if it makes a difference what valve you had problems with?
physical therapy

physical therapy

After my surgery I had physical therapy which included bar bells. I am still doing the same 6 exercises with more weight. However I am now starting the machines and some pull up type exercises and I was not sure if it could be harmful. I do feel much more fit going to the gym everyday and having more muscle tone. Over time I hope to increase weight amounts. Will check with my doctor about this at next check up. rz
Hi Robert,
I would think it would depend on your particualar surgery and heart problem. I have an AVR, and I was restricted until my sternum healed. (about a year for me) Now at work, I lift heavy gas hoses, where the first lift out of anywhere from 8 to 40 lifts per night over my head, at around 100-130 lbs. I really have had no problem, and actually think of it as a supplement to my running. If the cardiologist says okay ... "Go for it!"

Other weight lifters have 'weighed in' (pun intended) on this topic.

The primary guideline seems to be NOT to lift more than you can do without holding your breath. Best to get specific instructions from YOUR cardiologist.

Remember, Arnold Schwartzineger (sp?) blew his valve shortly after surgery by lifting too much weight and had to have another replacement. NOT a good plan. High BP can put a strain on both the Valve and the Stitches.

I was doing 300 lb bench presses for three sets before my surgery. Had to wait about 9 months after my surgery to lift again, but now bench 180 lb for 4-5 sets. The weight seems light to me, but that's relative to what I was doing before. I'm just trying to stay toned, not get any bigger at this point.

One change I made is that I now do at least 30 minutes at day on the treadmill or stationary bike and on days I don't get to the gym, I run 1 -2 miles.

Every one is different, which is why you need your doctor's advice before starting any post-op exercise. My doctor is okay with my program - but he did have me give up leg presses and squats.

Regarding Arnold, I believe he actually blew his valve out on a stationary bike a couple of days after his first surgery, not lifting weights.

Does anyone know which valve Govenor Arnold had replaced and what kind? Tissue or mechanical? Facing surgery in a few months and this is one issue that worries me. Blowing out my valve. I bicycle and do weights but nothing real heavy, and swim and trap shoot etc.
Joe Parker
[email protected]
Being pre-surgery, I discussed weights and running with my cardio. He is against "substantial" weights, and recommends I do higher reps at lower weights. I typically do sets of totalling 50 reps (20, 15, and 15 each), but limit the machine to 40-50 lbs.

As for running, he says cardio exercise is fine -- to the limits of my comfort with it. I've been doing 3-4 miles/day at a 9:30/mile pace now for years.
Govenor Arnold the valve recipient

Govenor Arnold the valve recipient

I think the Terminator had the Ross Procedure. rz
ross procedure

ross procedure

ross procedure has benefits for those who choose it and they pick it for a good reason i believe. i think arnie had one so he would not have to have coumadin pills which could cause him a problem in his action bruising and the like. rz
I stand corrected. Valve choice is individual and I should not have been so negative about it.
Perhaps my active lifestyle woud be better off with a mechanical valve. Just not sure yet completely.
Hoping to start riding and swimming and maybe even a triathalon that I have been wanting to do but couldn't for so long.
Joe Parker
[email protected]
The story of Arnold blowing out his valve by lifting weights is an "urban myth". Not true. Not possible. Didn't happen. Trust me.
Khan says:

"The story of Arnold blowing out his valve by lifting weights is an "urban myth". Not true. Not possible. Didn't happen. Trust me."

Well, come on..... ya can't just leave us hangin' like that.... what happened to him? :p