Woodbutcher's wild ride!

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Just wanted to take a sec to round up lots of support for Justin (our very own Woodbutcher), who has been cycling through France for two weeks now… he’s doing great but getting pretty tired. I don’t know how he’s doing it, the first week or so he spent climbing the Pyrenees mountains in southern France and some days travels for over 8 hours at a time… it’s been quite the adventure, he’s had a couple of crashes, been chased by dogs and even been on a French radio show! I know many of you are following his blog, but for those of you who aren’t I encourage you to do so! It's quite entertaining and you will find some wonderful photos. Also if you can manage to donate to the cause, it is amazing that he is doing all of this in the name of the British Heart Foundation, and not even a year out from his AVR! Even if you can only manage a couple of dollars, every little bit helps BHF and lifts his spirits! For those of us in the US, http://www.dollars2pounds.com/ this website will convert your US dollars to UK pounds so you can figure out how much you’d like to give. And, if giving financially is not possible, please offer up your prayers, good vibes and/or support to one of our fellow valvers for a smooth finish to his journey as he continues to head north, crash- and rain-free; I know he would greatly appreciate it! Here is the link to his blog: http://justpeddling.blogspot.com/.
Thanks Halley. I have been following his blog and am so impressed with his determination, I would have likely given up days ago. I had donated earlier, but will try to throw in some extra later this week. Please everyone try to find a couple of bucks to throw into the pot. Seeing his pictures on his blog is worth that alone. :)
I can't imagine how he is doing this with how bad his knee is. I keep meaning to ask him, but maybe someone here knows, is it possible to donate to him by sednding a check?
I can't imagine how he is doing this with how bad his knee is. I keep meaning to ask him, but maybe someone here knows, is it possible to donate to him by sednding a check?

Yes, I forgot to mention that he's doing all of this with a bad knee! I'm sure sending a check is fine, a donation is a donation!
Thanks Halley ! Just managed to get online, up date my Blog and look at Vr and my emails... It's all such a mad dash at the moment ! I'm half way now and still heading north towards my final destination at Roscoff... Well, my final french destination anyway, I'll still have to cycle home when I get the the Uk !
I'm getting a lift to a sports shop today for another knee support. The knee has been a huge problem and hurting every inch of the way ! I think it might actually be fractured but I dont want an Xray incase they try and stop me cycling ! The pain killers are taking the edge of it.
Please take a look at my blog and thanks for your support . Justin
I just wanted to bump this up and let everyone know Justin is STILL riding, he is getting close, but his knee is really botherring him , I bet he would love lots of comments to cheer him on.
I'm still reading your blog Justin and enjoy all your descriptions of the places, people and all the good food you've had. Your pics are great -- you have real talent as a photographer and writer. Carry on..
Justin, I need to get over and catch up on your blog. I was following it at the beginning - love your writing and the photographs - but hadn't gotten back there in a while. Please take care of yourself and get that knee checked out as soon as you are done. What you are doing is absolutely amazing and you are an inspiration to everyone here. And thanks to Halley for the update!

Donate, donate, donate y'all! Last time I checked he was a little over 10% from his target goal... I believe you can donate as little as 2 pounds, which is $3.27 US dollars. He's only got one more day left after cycling for a month and a day now, let's do what we can to help him reach his goal for the British Heart Foundation! He has cycled over 1,000 miles at this point, definitely deserves it! Every little bit adds up.

Again, the dollars to pounds conversion site is http://www.dollars2pounds.com/ and the donation site is http://original.justgiving.com/justpeddling