Why, you love VR.com

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I love this place because after I found out I would need OHS it gave me extensive valuable information and also hope. I spent 2 days reading many of the old threads relevant to my situation and feel so much more informed now and confident about my future. It helps so much to know there are others out there who understand what I am going through and to know there is a place to ask questions that I might have. The people that have been here for a long time and faithfully answer all the new questions deserve a huge congratulations for the amazing support and guidance they offer.
Hey, Sherry - that old goat probably wanted you to show him your scar!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Georgia said:
Hey, Sherry - that old goat probably wanted you to show him your scar!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Heehee, I bet you're right...;) ;) That would have spiced those support group meetings up a bit, eh? LOL
Sherry said:
I'm with Karlynn. A year and a half after my surgery, I found this wonderful place, or at least the "embryo" of VR.Com, the e-mail group. For once, I could finally get some real information from real patients. The only people I had to converse with after my surgery were the bypass patients in my local hospital support group. Yes, we've all been through the same basic ordeal, but...I'll never forget the older gentleman who looked at me and asked if I really had an open heart surgery like he did. What do ya say to that? :rolleyes:

Anyway, now that I've met several members, it makes it more real for me. Cyber hugs <<<<<>>>>>> to all of you.
Not to hijack this thread but........when I was in for my first OHS (I was 27), I had a 15 year-old roomate named Christina. Christina and I clicked immediately and had a lot of fun on our tours of the hospital as we were part of a group who, besides us, consisted of 4 men who were all over 60. They kept looking at us like they were trying to figure out why we were on the tour with them as neither of us looked sick. However, none of them asked, just kept giving us annoyed looks when we talked and laughed.
I just love this place more than any other forum I have joint...

I felt at home here amongst friends almost immediately..

and I know I will need this forum forever...
you guys are my second family
Can I see Your Scar?

Can I see Your Scar?

Girls now you've done it! I'm going to ask the next female valver I meet!:D Brian
Why I love VR

Why I love VR

It helped me cope when I was waiting for surgery

The emails after surgery made me realise I was not alone

After meeting members at reunions I realised we were ALL one family

what more can I say


I love VR.com because no matter what is going on in my life...I can always come in and get support from you guys.
hensylee said:
besides the obvious reasons for being here.....

helps to come in during the wee hours when you can't sleep and are in crisis of some sort. Touching others, even at 4:15 A.M. helps, even if they can't touch back.

and at 3:30 a.m. ...........
Everyone has done a wonderful job of describing why they love VR.com. I know that it has kept me sane and allowed me to learn and vent without having to always involve my family. I know that I now have a new family I never dreamed that I would have!!

I don't know why, but when I read the title of the thread, the theme song from the old Cheers TV show came dancing into mind. I think it fits!!

" Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away?

Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name,
and they're always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see,
our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows
Your name. "

:D Marguerite
Marguerite53 said:
I don't know why, but when I read the title of the thread, the theme song from the old Cheers TV show came dancing into mind. I think it fits!!

:D Marguerite
Raises my cup to toast my friends @ VR....& one in particular ;)
gadgetman said:
Mary, Ann's touching me!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :p :p :D :D

Make her stop.:eek: :eek: :rolleyes: ;)

May God Bless,



did not! He wat'n even up outta bed, but I sure tried.

Danny replies: did, too

Ann replies: did not - do we need to send Danny to the corn crib to shuck corn?

Daddy always sent my bro to the corn crib and my sister and me to the front porch to settle our arguments.

Did not, did not........
:D :D :D :p :rolleyes:

Granddaddy gave up sending us to the corn crib. We would always wind up in a corn cob fight. OUCH!!!!!:eek: :eek: Also, we were banned from the barn once after we (my cousin and I) laid in the feeding trough and waited until the mules showed up to eat. Granddaddy spend several days rounding up the mules after that stunt.:eek: :eek: After one summer it was surprising the bush that provided the switches could live from all the "pruning".:eek: :eek: :p :p


May God Bless,

Ok, You TWO!!!

Ok, You TWO!!!

Do I need to roll my newspaper up and use it?:p :p :p

Danny, keep that cow tongue in your mouth, and quit sticking it out at Ann!:p :p :p

Ann dear, just ignore his bad behavior!;) ;) ;)
why I love VR.com

why I love VR.com

I love VR.com for the following reasons:
The people here are so helpful, caring and so very re-assuring to me.;)
I've also learned how to navigate the site and have read so many warm and wonderful and so very helpful posts and threads. VR.com is like having the best support group in the world and I have benefited from this greatly!
(although maybe I've annoyed some...sorry) I feel so honored to be a member of such a loving community such as this.

LOVE to "READ" your smile these days!!!!!!

Shaken, but not stirred.


Yo' jest keep thet thar noospaper t'yo'seff, o' save it fo' yer dawg! As fo' mah PET cow, ah cain't corntrol whut a cow does wif her tongue.:p :p :p :p :p :D :D

Ann did touch me last by th' way! :eek:

SHE STARTED IT! :p :p :p :p

May God Bless,
