Where's my 1,000 post prize, Ross?

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2002
Southern Indiana
Wow, after all these years on the forum, I'm finally hitting my 1,000th post. Oh, and to make it more special, I am celebrating a day out of school because of the snow and drinking coffee out of my special VR.Com coffee mug (no kidding). Here's to all you special members who make this place what it is. :) :) :)
Sherry - just what is IN your coffee? :eek: I can't believe you set yourself up for Ross like that! I guess you just wanted to make his day.

I would have guessed you were at way more than 1000. Must be because what you post always gets my attention.

Happy 1000!:D


Your prize was that foot of snow.:D Thought about you today when I saw the weather channel.....Hope you are staying warm.:D Bonnie
Ross said:
Your special, so I must find you a SPECIAL prize!

Heehee, Oh, Ross, I'll be anxiously waiting. ;) ;)

Bob, you're right. I definitely set myself up for whatever is coming my way, but hey, ya only live once. ;)

It's funny, Karlynn, I've been a part of this since the beginning, but after the forum change, and after dropping off the boards for awhile, when I came back, I had to start all over again, postwise. Thanks so much, though, and I'll look forward to seeing you in the Windy City in February.

You're sure right about that, Bonnie. It's funny, they called off school all over the Tri-state area, and you know where everyone went? The mall. Too dangerous to go to school, but not too dangerous to go to the mall. Sheesh, consumer greed at its finest. :D
I just love people that like to live dangerously.:eek: ;)

Happy 1000th!!!!!


Pros and cons of snow days for children..School buses do not have seat belts.:eek: If the driver hit a slippery road.:eek: ....A lot of children have to stand out in cold/snow to wait for school buses....Many do not have parents home..have to go to work......regardless of snow....So, they are left at home..alone......Either way..snow days can bring hardship on parents. Most schools wait until the last minute to announce that school is closed....Have to scramble around and find someone to babysit them...:eek: I was lucky to be a stay at home Mom..when my kids had snow days.:) .... Kids can go to school in A.M. and weather changes during the school hours. I know, I was mad when I picked up my age 13 year old Grandson for an appointment with his Orth..yesterday. No coat..and turned bitter during the day...I told him to run fast to house when he got off school bus...about a 5 minute walk..Just gettin over strep throat.:eek: .....Bonnie

I read this post yesterday and your "Posts" count was 1,000. However, I noticed that today it has been MODIFIED to "995".:confused: :confused:


What's the matter. You can't get those gloves on in the snow???????:eek: :D Sounds like if everyone makes the St Louis trip, you'll need a BOX.:D :D

May God Bless,

Ross, help me find my posts...

Ross, help me find my posts...

Yikes, what happened to my six posts? Guess I'm no longer a member of the country club.

Ross, can you help me get them back?
Nope nope, I saw it too, it was 1000 and I'm still Shopping for the something special. Because of a thread deletion, her posts dropped to 995, but she was official and verfied. ;)
Sherry i think you should be asking for two prizes when you reach 1,000 again:D
Ross said:
Oh believe me, one will be all the more she wants. ;)

O.K., Ross, you've got me really curious here...;) ;) BTW, I agree with Curt's mum; I'm going to demand double prizes when I hit 1,000 again. :D :D
Sherry said:
O.K., Ross, you've got me really curious here...;) ;) BTW, I agree with Curt's mum; I'm going to demand double prizes when I hit 1,000 again. :D :D

Sherry, I never took you as a glutton for punishment.:confused: :confused: :confused:
Made Especially For You Sherry-Congratulations!

Made Especially For You Sherry-Congratulations!

Pretty hard to beat the prize I give everyone, so hopefully, this will be an acceptable substitute.
Wow...my name up in lights!! :cool: :cool: It doesn't get any better than that. Thanks, my friend; sometime you can explain to me how you do that. Oh, and by the way, this post should be my second official time at 1,000. Woo hoo!!!
How come she gets the nice one????:mad: :mad: :mad: (Not that you don't deserve a nice one Sherry.:D )

What kind of pay-off has gone on behind the scenes? Sherry gets her name in lights and the rest of us get a sore neck from always looking behind us.:mad:
# of posts

# of posts

Have never changed..Ross, Sherry , Karlynn..on this thread..all has stayed the same.??? check it out...Bonnie
Sherry said:
Wow...my name up in lights!! :cool: :cool: It doesn't get any better than that. Thanks, my friend; sometime you can explain to me how you do that. Oh, and by the way, this post should be my second official time at 1,000. Woo hoo!!!