What was that??

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Yesterday morning I was sitting in the living room typing away on the computer when I heard an electronic beeping coming from (I thought) the kitchen. I called out to Nathan (who was in his game room at the time) and said "What was that noise?" He had not heard a noise and looked at me like I was crazy when I tried to replicate the noise ("do-do, do-do, do-do"). I forgot all about it, since it didn't happen again...

That is, until this morning. I was laying in bed next to Nathan when I heard the sound again (this time, obviously not coming from the kitchen). I said "There's that noise again! Do you hear it?" This time he did, but faintly. Suddenly it dawned on us both... The sound was coming from me! :eek: My defibrillator is set up to emit a sound if it has had to shock me in the night so that I know to call it in to my doctor. Now, my defibrillator has never gone off in the 18 months that I've had it. And quite frankly I never really expected it to (or at least hoped). But now, apparently, something has happened, even though I'm completely unaware as to what. I will say that I've been pretending for the last 5 days to not notice my heart jumping around in rhythm throughout the week. But I know I wouldn't have been able to ignore a shock! At least, not a "big" one. So I'm wondering what it is that set off the warning sound.

I've sent a reading to CareLink (a service that can read the electronic data saved in my defibrillator through the telephone lines), and called my EP office. I hope to hear back from the on call EP some time today. I don't know if I should call in for a sub tomorrow to make sure I get in to see the EP or if this is no big deal. Needless to say, I'm a bit freaked out.

More because I don't want to be dealing with this RIGHT NOW. I don't want it to delay our surrogacy cycle. Nathan says he doesn't think it will, but that's my biggest fear. Please pray that whatever happened will be a quick and easy fix and won't prevent me from starting lupron on Wednesday!
Niki, you have my prayers and I hope this is just a blip in the reading, but I am glad you are not ignoring it and hope to hear all good news.
That's interesting. Joe had a pacemaker and not a defibrillator. I had heard those sounds coming from his pacemaker on a few occasions, although when I went to the pacemaker site and looked, there didn't seem to be any information on what it could be. I called company and gave them all the data from his pacemaker card, and they told me that his pacemaker was not programmed to emit that kind of sound. But both of of distinctly heard it.

So it remained a mystery.

He had his regular pacer interrogation, and everything checked out OK, no low battery, no unusual problems, and no extra heavy usage.

The only reasonable thing that the pacemaker company said was that perhaps there was some sort of electrical interference coming from a remote, cellphone, etc.

But that didn't make any sense either.

Maybe the pacemaker programmers played a trick on their consumers and implanted electronic Easter Eggs like they do with kids games, just to keep everyone on their toes:D

Or maybe it's poltergeists
I finally talked to the on call doc. She said that the noise will continue to go off every day at 10 until I come in to have it turned off. So I have an appointment for 9 AM tomorrow to get it turned off. Hopefully at that time they can also tell me why it has been making the sound (she didn't know). I imagine that by the time I get in they'll have read the CareLink report and be able to tell me what happened to set it off.

At first she mentioned the possibility of low battery, but I just had it checked in July and was told I still had 3 years left. Then she asked if I'd been near radiation or x-rays, and again I told her no. When I told her it had happened yesterday as well and I just didn't realize what it was until it happened this morning she asked "Was it around 9:30?" I said "It was 10:00" She said "Oh, yeah. That will keep doing it until we turn it off manually. You'll need to come in tomorrow." But still nothing to ease my mind... Guess I need to set up for a sub! :p
Sh*t. I just got another phone call from the on call doc. She was able to get in to the office and read my CareLink report. Come to find out, it looks like I might have a fractured atrial lead. :( Don't ask me how in the world this could have happened. I haven't done anything that should have done any damage to a lead.

I will find out tomorrow morning when I go in to the doctor's what we will need to do. She said my EP would have to determine if I need to get the lead replaced here or at the Mayo Clinic. Please, God, don't make me go back to the Mayo Clinic! No offense to MN, but I had hoped I wouldn't be back there for a very long time. :( :( This is SO unfair! I hope this doesn't mean a postponement of our surrogacy plans!
Niki .... it is always something:( .... I'm praying that it will be a minor situation to deal with but I am glad you are getting it checked right away! ... Keep us posted ((((((( HUGS ))))))))) ... Keep Smiling:)
Hopefully it will be a minor thing and you'll be able to tell your child all about how frightened you were and how it all worked out.

When my son and his wife had their first child they were living out of state and had no family around. Three weeks before her due date she went into labor and he was across the US from her. He loves telling this story about how he got a cab and how he ran through the airport begging to get on the last flight out. He had to sit in the jumper seat, etc. He has two other children since but no story compares to his first one.

Take care
Whatever it is I will pray that it can be fixed quickly and easily.
Or hope it may just be a glitch.
My best -Dina:)
Man I hate waiting to find out stuff... Even though I'll only be waiting a total of 23 hours before finding out what's going on, it's killing me. I can think of nothing else. I'm going crazy with worry over this. I'm not worried about surgery, that doesn't phase me in the least. All I'm worried about is the timing of it. The fact that it will take me away from work (I hate missing if I can help it) and it might delay the surrogacy (I had it timed just right for the baby to be born in the summer so I would have plenty of time to be with the baby before school starts back up) is what's driving me crazy. I know it's stupid to be worrying over these things when my health is a concern, but honestly I'm NOT worried about that aspect. I've been through enough to know it is never a big deal physically. It's all the other aspects of my life that it screws up!

And I'm kicking myself for ignoring symptoms earlier this week. I knew something was going on, but didn't want there to be something going on. So I ignored it. I intentionally didn't mention it to my husband because I didn't want him to tell me to call the doctor. Several times throughout the week I told myself I should call in a CareLink reading, but put it off for "just one more day" hoping and praying it would go away on its own. I even thought in my head "What if there's something wrong with a lead again?" And sure enough, that's what's (most likely) happening. I know that I am more in tune with my body than most and usually when I think something is wrong there is, but I was hoping that this time was different and I could just chalk it up to stress from work and excitement from the surrogacy getting rolling. Now I know I was just deluding myself. I know it probably wouldn't have made much difference if I had called earlier this week, but if I had I wouldn't be sitting here wondering what would be coming next. I'd already know and maybe even have everything behind me. I know it does no good to beat myself up over this, but I guess it just goes to show that I'll never be normal and I can't just "ignore" things and hope they'll go away. :( It is SO not fair! :mad:

Thanks everyone for the prayers. They mean alot. As I told my friend a few minutes ago, that's about all we can do for now. And I know that God has His plan and it will all happen in His time... I just hope His time is MY time too. ;) I'll report in when I find out what's going on.
I'm sor sorry you have to wait over the weekend to get this resolved. You have my prayers that all works out according to your schedule.
I haven't done anything that should have done any damage to a lead.

*raises eyebrow curiously*

You sure about that, darlin'? Would your hubby be able to verify that? ;) he he.

[Hopefully that put a smile on your face...if only for a few moments.]

Seriously...very sorry this is happening NOW for you. I understand how you feel...at least in terms of being frustrated with the timing of it...and what may or may not lie ahead.

Thoughts/prayers coming your way, of course....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
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"You really think you're in control?" ... Gnarls Barkley ... 'Crazy'