What I have decided

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
Encinitas, CA USA

First of all, I would like to give a warm welcome to the new comers as I have noticed there have been quite a few. Welcome to a great site with great people.

Second, I have decided to have my surgery early next year. My husband and I are going to Bora Bora Aug 2. I pushed my echo to July 25th (was supposed to be Aug 16th) but I wanted to know what's going on BEFORE I head to the middle of the ocean! I feel I have declined somewhat. When I clean my floors (I have a large amount of laminate flooring) I get tired easy. I have to sit down in the middle????:confused2: Then after about 10 min... I can finish. This is NOT NORMAL for me. It's very subtle but I am in tune with my body.

I am at 1.0cm now but that was back in Feb. I went from 1.6 to 1.0 in ONE year. And yes, I know what they say, when it starts to go.. it starts to go. I have slight enlarging of the heart but I would like to move forward.

I don't exercise anymore either. This is not quality of life for me. Sorry! I will discuss with my cardio in July about doing surgery in March. I'm SURE I have gone down anyway.

My doc is a big numbers lady. She doesn't wait until symptoms get bad but I am ready for this. I'm young and don't want to feel "tired" and not able to exercise. I feel like I am 60 years old... not 41.
Much support with any decision you make. Good idea to check out that echo before you go. It amazes me how vital reports from echos can be and how trivial at the same time. From personal experience I have had 5 echos done in the past 1 1/2 years at I have gotten 4 different aortic valve numbers ranging from 0.7cm to 1.6cm. Listen to your body when the echos start trying to split hairs.

Either way travel well!
Good luck with your decision! To me, it sounds like you are making the right choice, at the right time. Have a nice trip!
You know your body, better than anyone, so I must agree , your making a positive/pro-active decision. Enjoy your trip, have an awesome time..........and remember....60 is the new 40...so, actually your only like 20 !!!!!!
Go Team 2011 !!!!
ps...I turn 60 in August..and become a GREAT grandmother in December...I feel young, age is only a number.. I promise you !