what dose aspirin are you on ????

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My surgeon recommended 325 mg as long as my stomach tolerates it. I don't have bleeding issues, but I'm not an any other anti-coag meds.
I was on 325 mg before AVR last year. After surgery when I was put on coumadin, he reduced me to the 81 mg.
Four or five years after my surgery, about 1971, I was transferred to a new city and my doc there, added one adult asparin to my Coumadine dose. Two years later, I was transferred back to Lousville and my docs immediately took me off the asparin and I have always been advised to never take asparin. Since many new patients are now put on an asparin dose, I assume my valve design is the reason my docs tell me to stay away from asparin.
I was on 81mg but surgeon told me to increase to 325mg for a full year...I think at that point they might suggest reducing to 81mg...we'll see.