What are we doing this week? May 17 - May 23

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2001
Sarasota, FL
For anyone interested, here's my schedule for the week:

Mon: 6AM circuit training at gym (upper body)

Tue: 6AM 2 mile run
5PM 1250yd swim

Wed: 6AM circuit training at gym (legs)
5PM 15 mile bike (tentative)

Thu: 6AM 3 mile run
5PM 1250yd swim

Fri: 6AM circuit training at gym

Sat: 6AM 2 mile run
2PM 1500yd swim

Sun: 11AM 20 mile bike, followed by 1 mile run

I've got a sprint triathlon on coming up on 6/12 (600yd swim / 13 mile bike / 5K run). This is my first race of the year and I'm using it mostly as a gauge to see where I am in preparation for my "A" races later in the year.

Well, that just about puts my efforts to shame.
But I've begun riding my exercise bike nearly every day, building up my time, and I feel better :)