What Are The Odds I Ask You......I am FURIOUS!!!

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Ole Harrybaby is absolutely infuriated.....As you know, I have been gathering up all medical records to go with me down to Mass General Hospital on September 4th and I just received a call from Maine Cardiology Associates telling me that they cannot provide me with the films from my Echocardiograms or other tests as their computer crashed.....they are lost....

This comes only 3 days after I received a call from Portsmouth Regional Hospital records department saying that they are ripping up my request for any films that they have because they didn't put them on VHS or Disc back in 2006.

I can't believe this is happening...and I am wondering if these people have done this on purpose as the attitudes from both places when I told them what I needed them for became very cold, arrogant and mean.

I have lost total faith in any medical doctor or medical practice in NH and I am quickly losing faith in the medical practice all together.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Sounds like an attorney situation to me. What about hard copies of the echo reports - they must have them or is everything on their computer? If that is the case, I think this might have legal ramifications. I cannot believe they do not have backups for their data.
Sounds like an attorney situation to me. What about hard copies of the echo reports - they must have them or is everything on their computer? If that is the case, I think this might have legal ramifications. I cannot believe they do not have backups for their data.

Time to call the Attorney General of your state.
I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps even a threat that your nxt call will be to your attorney would provide them some incentive to be responsive to you.

I am in Year 2 of law school (just what the world needs: A 42-year old rookie lawyer, eh?). Wish I were done so I could do it for you!
I would have to call the one in Maine.....

I would have to call the one in Maine.....

I don't know if there is anything I can do about Portsmouth, as they did tell me that they didn't put films on disc or VHS back in 2006....but for Maine Cardiology Associates....I will be looking into that....It would seem to me that even in a extremely laid back state such as Maine, that they should at the very least have some sort of back up to keep this kind of crap from happening...Those Cardiologists at Maine Cardiology make more than enough money that they should be able to back up patients confidential data.:mad::mad::mad: And did I stress:mad::mad::mad:?
Something is fishy here, Harry. Call an attorney. You should at least be able to get hard copy written reports.
I agree w/everyone else. Call an attorney! They would have to have those records backed up. If they don't, they don't deserve to have a practice. I would be furious too if I were you. Makes me mad just reading it. I really wish you the best of luck.
I agree with the previous posts Harry --- time to get an attorney involved! :mad: That is absolutely negligent on their part & someone needs to be accountable for that!!!

Give em' HELL! :mad:
Oh They Told Me They Have The Reports.....

Oh They Told Me They Have The Reports.....

Something is fishy here, Harry. Call an attorney. You should at least be able to get hard copy written reports.

Just not the films.. I am not accepting of just the reports as I wanted the doctor that I am going to see in Boston to look at the films for herself and not rely on the reports....I just find it aweful convenient that this has happened in two different places at the same time. Without those films to go with me, I don't feel as though the doctor in Boston is going to get everything she needs to evaluate my situation completely and objectively.....
Harry, I think the reports will be sufficient. It happens a lot. Boston will want their own films eventually anyway. I seem to think they do not trust the people that you have been seeing.

I have had instances when I could not get actual films of Joe's procedures, and the written things were the only things that I was able to provide to new doctors.

What can you do anyway? I still think there are legal ramifications here though.

The good thing here is that it might force the issue of getting newer and perhaps better tests done.
Do the American thing. Sue! Why not put some money in your wallet while you get some satisfaction from it all too.
I guess I am going to have to....

I guess I am going to have to....

I just got off the phone with the NH Attorney General's Office, and the woman I spoke with simply told me to call the hospital records department supervisor and complain to her.....in short, she couldn't give a damn about my issue..:mad::mad:
Harry, I had the same problem a couple years ago with getting my Echo's and other medial info. The Cardio dr had changed computers and lost all the medical information on patients. I was'nt a happy camper because I needed all my medical information to send to a legal settlement. Well,they suggested that I try to get some of the records from the hospital. I got some from the hospital records but still needed more. The Cardio dr called me back and said they were able to retieve some of the information off the old computer data before it was completely lost. Thanks goodness everything worked out and I got what I needed.
Hope everything works out for you too. Keep us posted. :)
Harrybaby, your experience points to a problem that is affecting many of us with ongoing problems. Recently, I changed Cardiologists, and asked my old Cardio group for my records. Found out that all records from 1967 to 1989 were destroyed. I shrugged that off since those were very old records and probably of little use today:confused:. But they did not even give me copies of all of my recent records....until I stomped on the "office managers" desk and they came up with three times what they initially gave me....sign of the times:(:mad:. The lesson I've learned is to GET COPIES OF ALL IMPORORTANT TESTS AND CONSULTATION for my own file....ain't nobody going to look out for me except me:p.

ps: I filed a formal complaint with the local and state agencies who oversee medical providers about a month ago. I ain't holding my breath that I will get any response:(.
Well since it seems that the NH Attorney General's office doesn't seem to care either, then maybe it's time to call your local TV station. They always have a reporter who loves to give government a black eye and your situation seems to spell hum-dinger. You can expose both the medical offices who lost your records and shine the spot light on your state politicians. Good Luck. Just reading your story made my blood boil..:mad:
Ole Harrybaby is absolutely infuriated.....As you know, I have been gathering up all medical records to go with me down to Mass General Hospital on September 4th and I just received a call from Maine Cardiology Associates telling me that they cannot provide me with the films from my Echocardiograms or other tests as their computer crashed.....they are lost....

This comes only 3 days after I received a call from Portsmouth Regional Hospital records department saying that they are ripping up my request for any films that they have because they didn't put them on VHS or Disc back in 2006.

I can't believe this is happening...and I am wondering if these people have done this on purpose as the attitudes from both places when I told them what I needed them for became very cold, arrogant and mean.

I have lost total faith in any medical doctor or medical practice in NH and I am quickly losing faith in the medical practice all together.:mad::mad::mad::mad:

There is a lesson here:

Never "tip your hand" when asking for records.
They DO NOT Need to Know WHY you want the records.
By Law, they MUST provide copies of your Medical Records.

They will want a Signed Request and may charge a 'copying fee'. That fee is 'usually' waived if you want the records sent to another Doctor. In your case, it probably would have been best if you simply asked for them for "Personal use" and paid whatever fees they required. Then send (or carry) the records directly to your new Doctor(s).

Keep your Cool and do NOT raise flags with your NEW Doctors. Cooperate with whatever the New Doc's need to do to properly assess your situation and DO NOT Vent about the Poor Doc's you saw previously. Let them make their own independent assessments without bias.

This is your Best Chance for getting to the bottom of your Health Issues.
"I am not accepting of just the reports as I wanted the doctor that I am going to see in Boston to look at the films for herself and not rely on the reports...."

From what I've read of Harry's posts he doesn't think the "medical experts" that he has seen before have read his scans, x-rays, echos, etc. correctly so he would rather not just hand them the written reports which may have not been interpreted well in the first place.

A very dear friend who was diagnosed with cancer which had matastized throughout her body wanted to know if the primary site was her lungs. The local yokels assured her there was none in her lungs but when she took the x-rays to experts in Cleveland, they looked at the lung x-ray and pointed to the cancer immediately!!

So how is Harry going to get ahead if the written reports he has rounded up are incorrect in the first place. I can see your dilemma, Harry!

The lawyer advise sounds good if you are a "closet millionaire", Harry, unless there are some compassionate lawyers in NH.

I do wish you well, Harry. It's been a long, frustrating road you've been traveling.
I would suggest going to your local and/or state medical licensing people, they should be able to do something about this. BUT, and I know you are mad, keep your cool with them - take the "Oh, dear, poor me, what can I do now" line and behave like a little old lady . . usually works better for me