We're havin' a heat wave...

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Well-known member
May 28, 2002
Princeton, Minnesota
Wasn't it just about a week ago that I posted that we were -25 degrees here in Minnesota? Well...we are at +46 degrees today! WooHoo...Time to get out the tank tops and flip flops!:cool:

Hopefully it will stick around for a while...although I hear tell it's supposed to be snowing by the weekend, now there's a concept...snow in Minnesnowta!

P.S. I checked, this was the forecast exactly one week ago:
TODAY: AM WIND-CHILL ADVISORY UNTIL 10 A.M. for wind-chills down to -35 below at times meaning that frostbite is possible to exposed skin in a matter of minutes. The rest of the day will be sunny with afternoon highs Near +8 ( wind-chills -5 to -10 below ). WNW 6 to 12 mph.

TONIGHT: Clear Skies. Low -6 below ( wind-chills -20 to -25 below ). NW 5 to 10 mph.
I agree! Yesterday was the first morning above freezing in about 40 days! today the high was over 50! Definately not as cold as your weather but cold for us! We can hope it will be an early spring, afterall the groundhog did see his shadow!
I'm still not comfortable with those temps. ;) Give me 60 and above any day! You have to remember, I'm a Texas gal. We close schools when it's only 30 degrees out and a little icy. ;) I don't believe I've EVER witnessed below zero temps in my life. I'd really rather just miss that experience altogether. So you've got 2.5 weeks left to get the warmer weather revved up so I won't freeze my tail off. ;)
YES!!! Today was 46 and yesterday hit 51.....W O W!!! Tyey're talking cold again for the weekend. Spent half the day outside picking up sticks and junk from the storms we've had this winter!!! Just heard the weather.....snow/sleet, rain tomorrow night.....UGH!

Stay warm.

Raining this a.m. but cleared off to 60 degrees...SHUT the heat off..Open 1 window in Den..for fresh air............Hope I can continue to keep heat OFF. electricity bill was $250.00 last month..Just got the bill.....plus. we ran our gas fireplace in Den..It was really cold last month. (bill).........I know for a fact because my birdhbath stayed frozen for a month.:eek: ..Suppose to stay warm..next rain maybe Sunday.........and next week still warm..:) Maybe Spring will come early..:) Bonnie
65 degrees today and sunny!
We received our electric bill and it was only $125!!!!!!
We had bought an electric heater that uses oil, and I guess that's what saved us so much money. We plugged it in and ran it on the really cold days as an alternate heating source.
Anyway, I'm ready for Spring!
After all the zero and below nights we have had here in SE Michigan, yesterday and today were near forty degrees.
We saw people going in and out of the grocery store today with no coats on !
And saw a few guys come out wearing shorts !
I guess we will have to turn on the AC before long.
The warmer temps the last couple days or so certainly have been WONDERFUL!

Sadly, it looks like temps are going to start going a bit downhill ... with snow and/or rain this weekend. At least it won't be as cold as it had been ... he he.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
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"You got to roll with the punches" ... Van Halen ... 'Jump'
Our temps have hit 78-80 the last couple of days. I'm just so glad that my heater isn't running anymore. I set my central heat at 68-70, and it ran pretty much everyday for over a month. This is unusual for us, and I'm sure that some of you would think we're wimpy, but talk to me when your temps are reaching 90 and you're all complaining about the heat! In the middle of summer, we'd be thrilled with 90! I have experienced extremely cold temps - at the top of Arapaho, where they would rush you down the mountain as soon as you got off the lift. It was miserable and I spent half the day in the lodge before catching the shuttle back to Keystone where it wasn't quite as cold.

The air conditioning will be kicking in soon, but that doesn't cost quite as much as heat!
Yes......happy to have the "warmer temps" Enoyed my Starbucks outside yesterday.:) Felt so nice to have the fresh air and a little sun. Appreciating how desperate I was. It was only 45:eek: Indeed a heat wave for our area!

Will enjoy some nice FL very soon!:D Can't wait!
Nikki, ask and you shall receive!

Nikki, ask and you shall receive!

Gnusgal said:
I'm still not comfortable with those temps. ;) Give me 60 and above any day! You have to remember, I'm a Texas gal. We close schools when it's only 30 degrees out and a little icy. ;) I don't believe I've EVER witnessed below zero temps in my life. I'd really rather just miss that experience altogether. So you've got 2.5 weeks left to get the warmer weather revved up so I won't freeze my tail off. ;)

Here's your 60+ degree day! At least I know it got above 60 in the twin cities area. I think we were at least close to 60 here in Princeton, so I suspect Rochester was too.

I've been thinking about you, and hoping and praying all is well.
weekycat said:
Here's your 60+ degree day! At least I know it got above 60 in the twin cities area. I think we were at least close to 60 here in Princeton, so I suspect Rochester was too.

I've been thinking about you, and hoping and praying all is well.
Thank you very much. I really do appreciate your state accomodating this little Texan. ;) I actually walked a bit outside without my coat on (granted, I had on a t-shirt and a sweat shirt). It was somewhat pleasant. However, it's still disturbing to see all this snow everywhere. ;)
Boy, you lucked out with the nice weather Niki;) It was almost 70 here is Chicago yesterday. Back down to high 40's today. Everyone was out walking, riding, playing in the parks. All good things must come to an end. At least for the moment......
It was 72 here yesterday and tommorow it is supposed to snow.
That's life in Michigan.:(
That's almost as bad as Rapid City SD

That's almost as bad as Rapid City SD

My daughter called me today, she is in the USAF and stationed at Ellsworth AFB near Rapid City. She said it was 80 degrees there on Monday...and today it snowed. I guess it mostly rained, but at some point during the day it dropped below freezing and snowed for a bit.

We had 60 degrees here yesterday, but we were back to "normal" temps of 40's today...and there is snow in the forecast for tomorrow here too. It certainly makes life interesting anyway.